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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Stéphane Simon / Wilhelm-J. Pertot

Clinical Success in Endodontic Retreatment

Serie: Clinical Success
1st Edition 2009
Softcover, 144 páginas, 362 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Endodoncia

ISBN 978-2-912550-59-0
QP France

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Endodontic retreatment is technically more difficult to perform, involves greater risks, and is more unpredictable clinically compared with primary endodontic treatment. This book addresses topics such as indications for endodontic retreatment; safe and efficient removal of existing restorations and obturation material; challenges such as fractured instruments, hard pastes, blockages, and negotiation of the canal; treatment of perforations; management of a tooth with a wide-open apex; and assessment of prognosis and success. Well-illustrated with clinical photographs, radiographs, and diagrams, the book will enable practitioners to undertake endodontic retreatment with greater confidence.

• Endodontic failure and indication for retreatment
• Removal of existing restorations
• Access, removal of obturation materials, negotiation of canals
• Management of perforations
• Treatment of teeth with open apices
• Prognosis and retreatment
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