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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Hilton Riquieri

Dental Anatomy and Morphology

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 22,5 x 31,5 cm, 332 páginas, 1507 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Prótesis, Tecnología odontológica, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B7703
ISBN 978-0-86715-770-3


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This beautiful atlas conveys not only the practical knowledge of dental anatomy but also the art of sculpting it in wax. The ideal anatomy of each dental structure is described in detail and the waxing techniques are beautifully illustrated step by step for visual reference. The author demonstrates that for every morphologic feature there is an explanation in nature, assigning significance to every minute feature of dental morphology. Organized by tooth and arch, this book views morphology through a clinical lens and repeatedly draws connections between anatomical features and clinical concepts. The fundamental knowledge presented in this text is essential for improving waxing and sculpting techniques and will be useful for students and specialists alike.

Chapter 01. The Esthetic and Functional Parameters of Posterior Teeth
Chapter 02. Maxillary First Premolar
Chapter 03. Maxillary Second Premolar
Chapter 04. Maxillary First Molar
Chapter 05. Maxillary Second Molar
Chapter 06. Maxillary Posterior Quadrant
Chapter 07. Mandibular First Premolar
Chapter 08. Mandibular Second Premolar
Chapter 09. Mandibular First Molar
Chapter 10. Mandibular Second Molar
Chapter 11. Mandibular Posterior Quadrant
Chapter 12. The Esthetic and Functional Parameters of Anterior Teeth
Chapter 13. Maxillary Central Incisors
Chapter 14. Maxillary Lateral Incisors
Chapter 15. Maxillary Canines
Chapter 16. Progressive Technique for Maxillary Anterior Teeth
Chapter 17. Anterior Segment and Full Arch Wax-ups
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Cover, Riquieri, Dental Anatomy and Morphology

This book is a guide that will inspire excellence in dentistry. It does not only convey the practical knowledge of morphology, but also the art of its sculpture. In 17 chapters, the author explains step by step how to draw and sculpt dental anatomy with maximum accuracy. In these chapters, the exquisite morphology of all the teeth are developed and presented carefully, with examples from everyday life that greatly facilitate learning. The ideal anatomy of each dental structure is described with a rich­ness in detail, and the waxing techniques are beautifully illustrated step by step for visual reference.

– Swiss Dental Hygienists, issue 04/2019

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