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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Bernd Steckmeier


Wake-up Call for the Body

1st Edition 2020
Softcover, 15 x 22,5 cm, 400 páginas
Idioma: Alemán
Categoría: Guía Salud y Medicina

ISBN 978-3-86867-494-1
KVM Verlag


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Being fit and healthy in old age is largely up to us: our lifestyle directly determines our life expectancy. This means that we are not at the mercy of our genes. We can actively do something for our health! The key to this is knowledge of the interrelationships in our body, and the functions of our blood and blood vessels. In this book the author, a renowned physician and expert in vascular surgery, explains the causes of cardiovascular diseases in an easy-to-understand way and shows how we can protect ourselves from arteriosclerosis. What can we do about risk factors such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and obesity? What effects do stress, sleep disorders, and lack of exercise have on our health? Anyone who wants to learn how aging processes can be slowed down and what the true art of living consists of will find sound and inspiring answers in this health guide.

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Cover, Steckmeier: Lebensader