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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Reny de Leeuw / Gary D. Klasser (Editor)

Orofacial Pain

Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management

6th Edition 2018
Softcover, 17,15 x 24,1 cm, 336 páginas, 9 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Diagnóstico y terapia funcionales

Nº de stock: B7680
ISBN 978-0-86715-768-0

$48.00 $20.00

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Following in the tradition of the previous editions, this book offers the latest research and most up-to-date information on orofacial pain, including a concise overview of each condition as well as its symptoms, comorbidities, differential diagnosis, and treatment options. Every chapter has undergone critical updates to reflect the developments in the expanding field of orofacial pain, including the glossary. These updates include the addition of new diseases such as first-bite syndrome, revised information on genetic factors to reflect new insights gleaned from the OPPERA studies, expanded information on management strategies for certain conditions, and revisions to screening tools for biobehavioral factors. In addition, the classification system used in the fifth edition has been replaced and extended and includes DSM-5 codes where applicable. This book remains an essential tool for any health care provider who treats patients with orofacial pain.

Chapter 01. Introduction to Orofacial Pain
Chapter 02. General Assessment of the Orofacial Pain Patient
Chapter 03. Diagnostic Classification of Orofacial Pain
Chapter 04. Vascular and Nonvascular Intracranial Causes of Orofacial Pain
Chapter 05. Primary Headache Disorders
Chapter 06. Neuropathic Pain
Chapter 07. Intraoral Pain Disorders
Chapter 08. Differential Diagnosis and Management of TMDs
Chapter 09. Cervical Spinal Disorders and Headaches
Chapter 10. Extracranial and Systemic Causes of Head and Facial Pain
Chapter 11. Sleep and Orofacial Pain
Chapter 12. Axis II: Biobehavioral Considerations

Gary D. Klasser DMD

Estados Unidos de América, New Orleans
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Cover, de Leeuw: Orofacial Pain, 6th ed.

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