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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Pasquale Loiacono / Luca Pascoletti

Photography in Dentistry

Theory and Techniques in Modern Documentation

1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 336 páginas, 847 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Interdisciplinar, Gestión de prácticas, Radiología y fotografía

Nº de stock: BI016
ISBN 978-88-7492-169-0
QP Italy

Producto agotado.


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Whether they are used for patient communication, consultation with a laboratory or colleague, diagnosis, clinical or legal records, or scientific presentation or publication, images are a much more powerful means of communication in the field of dentistry than the spoken or written word. However, dental photography is lacking set standards that would allow the continuity and reproducibility essential to clinical and scientific documentation. To address this need, this book presents guidelines for photographic documentation that will enable practitioners to produce images that faithfully convey clinical data. Precise instructions, including the positions of the patient, assistant, and practitioner; camera settings and flash positions; aiming and focal points; and the types and positions of required accessories are detailed in text and images, and an example of the desired final image is provided. This comprehensive text provides clinicians with all the information they need to feel confident in creating effective and compelling dental images.

Part One: Theory
Chapter 01. General Principles of Photography
Chapter 02. The Optical System
Chapter 03. The Concept of Exposure
Chapter 04. Principles of Digital Photography
Chapter 05. The Role of Photography in Clinical Practice
Chapter 06. Camera Settings for Dentistry
Chapter 07. The Orthography of Images
Chapter 08. Flash Units
Chapter 09. Photographing Radiographs

Part Two: Techniques
Chapter 10. Equipment and Accessories
Chapter 11. Extraoral Series
Chapter 12. Intraoral Series
Chapter 13. Photographic Documentation
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Cover, TIFF (CMYK)
David Fuller
Australian Orthodontic Journal November 2012

"Dental photography is lacking a set of standards that would allow the continuity and reproducibility essential to clinical and scientific documentation. To address this need, this book presents guidelines for photographic documentation that will enable practitioners to produce images that faithfully convey clinical data. [...] This comprehensive text should provide clinicians with all the information they need to feel confident in creating effective and compelling dental images."

Todd Belfbecker, DMD
Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society September 2012

"This is a really user-friendly text, and it should prove helpful to both novices and established photographers alike. [...] There are chapters on using a flash, photographic radiographs, and what equipment to use, including cheek retractors and intraoral mirrors. The book concludes with step-by-step case studies-first of extraoral images and then intraoral images-that outline in detail every step needed to take specific photos. If you plan on using an extraoral camera in your practice, you really need look no further than this textbook to guide you."

Lawrence Wolfgang, DDS
The New York State Dental Journal June 2012

"This book provides an excellent review of photography, from its basics to dental applications. I learned my photography from books by Kodak that are no longer available. In a similar fashion, Photography in Dentistry is comprehensive yet not overly technical in its explanations and illustrations."

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