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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Otto Zuhr / Marc Hürzeler

Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery

A Microsurgical Approach

1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 22 x 28,5 cm, 872 páginas, 1905 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Implantología, Cirugía oral, Periodoncia

Nº de stock: BG101
ISBN 978-1-85097-226-6
QP Deutschland

$380.00 $285.00

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In this stunning book, the authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery, focusing especially on minimal soft tissue trauma and maximally perfect wound closure. Microsurgery provides clinically relevant advantages over conventional macrosurgical concepts for regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, especially in the all-important esthetic zone. The microsurgical principles and procedures presented in the book are explained step-by-step in meticulously illustrated case examples with large, exquisite images. Each case example also includes an illustrated armamentarium of the materials and instruments necessary for the practical implementation of the microsurgical procedure. The book concludes with instructions on how to manage all major complications for each procedure. Every periodontist will benefit from the techniques and considerations explained in this landmark text.

Section A. Principles
Chapter 01. Basic Principles of Periodontal Anatomy and Structural Biology
Chapter 02. Microsurgery: A New Dimension
Chapter 03. Primary Healing: The Key to Success
Chapter 04. Incisions, Flap Designs, and Suturing Techniques
Chapter 05. Gingival Esthetics: Criteria, Guidelines, and Diagnostic Strategies
Chapter 06. Patient Management

Section B. Procedures
Chapter 07. Autograft Harvesting
Chapter 08. Gingival Augmentation
Chapter 09. Treatment of Gingival Recession
Chapter 10. Esthetic Crown Lengthening
Chapter 11. Papilla Reconstruction
Chapter 12. Management of Extraction Sockets
Chapter 13. Replacement of Missing Teeth

Section C. Complications
Chapter 14. Intraoperative Bleeding
Chapter 15. Flap Perforation
Chapter 16. Postoperative Bleeding
Chapter 17. Postoperative Infection
Chapter 18. Flap and Connective Tissue Graft Necrosis
Chapter 19. Failures with Autogenous Bone Blocks and Cortical Bone Plates
Chapter 20. Implant Loss
Chapter 21. Scars, Tattoos, and Excess Soft Tissue
Chapter 22. Biologic Width Violation

Dr. Otto Zuhr

Alemania, München

Internationally renowned for his achievements in the fields of periodontal and peri-implant diseases as well as esthetic periodontal soft tissue corrections, Dr. Zuhr is one of the world's leading oral surgeons. Together with Prof. Dr. Hürzeler, he wrote a specialist book in 2011 which, according to his colleagues, is "without doubt one of the most important oral surgery publications of recent years and a must-read for every periodontist and implantologist." Dr. Zuhr studied dentistry in Aachen and in the USA. He is a specialist in Periodontology and has been a board member of the German Society of Periodontology since 2007.


Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler DMD, PhD

Alemania, München

Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is one of the world's leading specialists in complex implant treatments. Surgical methods developed by him are used with great success even in the most difficult cases. Accordingly, Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer of dentists. 1984: Doctorate, University of Zurich. 1989: Specialist in Periodontology (SSP). 1991: Specialist in Prosthodontics (DGPro). 1991-93: Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Houston, Texas; Clinical Associate Professor since 1993. 1996: PhD in the Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg; since 1997, Associate Professor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology. Founded a private practice for periodontology and implant therapy with Dr. Zuhr. 2002: Professor of Dentistry, Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg. 2008: Founded the Huerzeler/Zuhr Education Center. President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). More than 150 scientific publications in the field of implantology, periodontology, and tissue regeneration. National and international speaker on periodontology and implant therapy. 2012: Publication with Dr. Zuhr of the bestselling book entitled Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery – A Microsurgical Approach.

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Cover, TIFF (CMYK)
"I believe that seeing a procedure performed in person is critical in learning and conceptualizing how it is done. This book, however, comes very close to re-creating real life with its scenarios, minus the actual blood, of course. I found myself drawn in by case after case, and engrossed by the detailed step-by-step photos taken before, during, and after treatments."
Todd Belfbecker, DMD; Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society (February 2013)

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