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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Douglas A. Terry

Restoring with Flowables

1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 22 x 25 cm, 292 páginas, 914 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Odontología restaurativa

Nº de stock: B6683
ISBN 978-0-86715-668-3


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This book showcases the many applications of next-generation flowable composites and presents each of them in step-by-step fashion including 5 videos. With the adhesive design concept and the injectable resin composite technique, these flowable composites can expand dental treatment options, improve precision and predictability, and reduce chair time. Clinical applications include anterior and posterior composite restorations; pediatric crowns; bonding indirect restorations; developing the ovate pontic site; eliminating cervical tooth sensitivity; enhancing internal adaptation; immediate dentin sealing; provisional fabrication, modification, and repair; rebonding the fractured ceramic restoration; repairing fractured denture teeth; tooth splinting; developing a post and core; developing the functional composite prototype; mandibular anterior composite veneers; and restoring form and function, among others. The early chapters describe the evolution of flowable resin composites and the science underpinning the adhesive design concept, and the later chapters are divided into case presentations of the many applications of this concept. Each case presentation includes the various adhesive preparation designs, restorative techniques, adhesive protocols, and finishing procedures involved. By using the right materials and protocols with this adhesive design concept, you will be able to develop natural-looking restorations while providing superior treatment to your patients.

Chapter 1. Evolution of Flowable Resin Composites
Chapter 2. An Adhesive Design Concept
Chapter 3. Direct Restorative Applications for Flowables
Chapter 4. Clinical Applications of the Injectable Resin Composite Technique

Scientific Reviewers and Contributors
Irfan Ahmad • Alejandro James • John M. Powers • Richard Price • Jean-François Roulet

Clinical and Laboratory Contributors
Venkatesh Babu • August Bruguera • Victor E. Castro • Jungo Endo • Kim S. Gee • Bassam Haddad • Yoshihiro Kida • Usha H. L. • Deepak Mehta • Alireza Sadr • Wesam Salha • Ashiwini Santosh • Alex H. Schuerger • Olivier Tric • Hiroyuki Wakatsuki • Franicisco Zarate

Dr. Douglas A. Terry DDS

Estados Unidos de América, Houston, TX

Douglas A. Terry, DDS, holds positions as an adjunct professor in the department of restorative sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and professor emeritus in the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics at the V.S. Dental College & Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in Bangalore, India. He has authored several hundred scientific articles and textbooks, including Restoring with Flowables (Quintessence, 2016), Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Material Selection and Technique, Third Edition (2018), and Restoring the Intraradicular Space: Esthetic Post Systems (2021). He has lectured nationally and internationally on various subjects in restorative and esthetic dentistry and is a dental materials clinical research consultant for industry manufacturers. Dr Terry is founder and CEO of the Institute of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and a member of Oral Design International. He maintains a private practice in Houston, Texas.

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