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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Toyohiko Hidaka

Solutions for Dental Esthetics

The Natural Look

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 156 páginas, 516 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología estética, Odontología restaurativa

Nº de stock: BG071
ISBN 978-1-85097-176-4
QP Deutschland

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This book is inspired by a passion for the natural principles of esthetics in dentistry. The author emphasizes the importance of such factors as the proportions of the face and mouth, the shape of the teeth and their relationships in the dentogingival complex, and the numerous facets of natural colors and surfaces in the esthetic rehabilitation of patients as well as in the diligent placement of implants and the careful selection of materials. The case studies presented document the success of this approach and give clinicians interested in esthetic dentistry useful suggestions to implement in their own practice. This extraordinary book creates an opportunity for the reader to see esthetic dentistry through new eyes.

Chapter 01. Checkpoint 1: Harmony of Face, Lips and Teeth
Chapter 02. Checkpoint 2: Dentogingival Complex
Chapter 03. Checkpoint 3: Axial Crown Contours
Chapter 04. Checkpoint 4: Pontic to Edentulous Ridge Relationships
Chapter 05. Checkpoint 5: Biologic Width Around Implants
Chapter 06. Esthetic Integration
Chapter 07. Healthy Teeth
Chapter 08. Restorative Materials
Chapter 09. Clinical Cases
Chapter 10. Intact Teeth
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Cover, Hidaka: Solutions for Dental Esthetics
"The book has a place as an educational tool for case presentations within a dental practice. It provides exceptional photographic images, esthetic principles and examples appropriate for dental practices everywhere."
Benjamin P. Graham, DMD; The New York State Dental Journal (March 2009)

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