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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Yoh Sawatari

Surgical Management of Maxillofacial Fractures

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 256 páginas, 254 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Cirugía oral y maxilofacial

Nº de stock: B7949
ISBN 978-0-86715-794-9

$78.00 $20.00

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The facial skeleton is comprised of vertical and horizontal buttresses and the intersections they create; maxillofacial fractures occur when these buttresses sustain more force than they can withstand. The objective when managing these fractures is to reverse this damage and restore appropriate facial dimensions. Not all fractures propagate in the same pattern, so surgeons must compartmentalize the face and define the character of the individual bones. This book focuses on the face one bone at a time, outlining how to evaluate each type of fracture, the indications for surgery, the surgical management, and any complications. Specific protocols for clinical, radiographic, and CT assessment are included, as well as step-by-step approaches for surgical access and internal reduction and fixation. Isolated fractures are rare with maxillofacial trauma, and the author discusses how to sequence treatment for concomitant fractures to ensure the most successful outcome. This book is a must-have for any surgeon managing maxillofacial fractures.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Facial Architecture
Chapter 2. Frontal Sinus Fractures
Chapter 3. NOE Fractures
Chapter 4. ZMC Fractures
Chapter 5. Orbital Fractures
Chapter 6. Le Fort Fractures
Chapter 7. Approaches to the Midface
Chapter 8. Mandibular Fractures
Chapter 9. Concomitant Fractures and the Panfacial Fracture

Yoh Sawatari DDS, FACS

Estados Unidos de América

Dr Yoh Sawatari is a Professor of Clinical Surgery and the Director of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency at the Jackson Memorial Hospital/University of Miami Program. He has over 16 years of facial trauma experience at a level one trauma center at one of the largest community hospitals in the country. He has trained countless surgeons through the residency program, his national and international lectures, and his numerous peer-reviewed publications and chapters. He is considered an expert in the field of facial trauma and has provided lectures for the United States Army, has assisted in the design of fixation plates for facial trauma, and has incorporated advanced technology into the Miami program including navigation, intraoperative imaging, and patient-specific implants.

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Cover, Sawatari, Surgical Management of Maxillofacial Fractures

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