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Purpose: To estimate which combination of restorative materials resulted in the most homogeneous stress and strain distributions in post-and-core treated teeth.
Materials and Methods: Eight experimental finite element models with different material configurations were simulated; both indirect and direct restorations were considered. An arbitrary load of 50 N was applied on the palatal surface of the crown at a 60-degree angle to the tooth's longitudinal axis to simulate tearing function.
Results: In all the models, the values of both strain and stress recorded in the middle third of the buccal aspect of the root surface were off the scale. In contrast, the minimum values were noticed at the level of both the apical portion of the post and the root apex.
Conclusion: The mechanical properties of the crown and core materials influenced both the position of concentration areas and the level of stress and strain along the dentin/cement/post interfaces.
Schlagwörter: post, composite, adhesive, endodontically treated teeth, finite element analysis