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Purpose: The use of bovine teeth as a substitute for human enamel has been proposed for dental studies. The aim of this study was to determine the shear bond strength and Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) of deciduous and permanent bovine teeth.
Materials and Methods: Twenty deciduous and 20 permanent extracted bovine teeth were embedded in resin blocks. Stainless steel conventional orthodontic brackets were bonded to the teeth using an orthodontic adhesive. All samples were tested in shear mode on a testing machine. ARI scores were then recorded. Statistical analysis was performed to determine significant differences in bond strength and ARI scores.
Results: The bond strength of permanent bovine teeth was significantly higher (p = 0.0010) than that of the deciduous teeth. ARI scores showed no significant differences (p = 0.74).
Conclusion: Deciduous teeth show lower shear bond strength than permanent teeth.
Schlagwörter: deciduous bovine teeth, permanent bovine teeth, shear bond strength