Endodontie, 1/2025
Seiten: 7-13, Sprache: DeutschReymus, Marcel / Herbst, Sascha / Diegritz, ChristianIntraalveoläre Wurzelfrakturen gehören mit 0,5–7 % zu den eher seltenen traumatisch bedingten Zahnverletzungen. Ihre Diagnose ist oft eine Herausforderung, da sich die Fraktur auf den ersten klinischen Blick als Konkussion, Lockerung oder Dislokation darstellen kann. Umso wichtiger sind die radiologische Diagnostik und das Verständnis des genauen, meist schrägen Frakturverlaufs. Ist keine Kommunikation zwischen Frakturspalt und Sulkus nachweisbar und ist die Diastase des koronalen Fragments nur gering, besteht die Therapie in der Reposition und Schienung; eine initiale endodontische Intervention ist in diesen Fällen nicht notwendig. Insgesamt kann von einer sehr guten Überlebenschance derartig verletzter Zähne von ca. 80 % ausgegangen werden. Auf mögliche Komplikationen sollte bei den regelmäßigen Recalluntersuchungen geachtet werden, um rechtzeitig reagieren zu können.
Schlagwörter: dentale Traumatologie, traumatisch bedingte Zahnverletzung, intraalveoläre Wurzelfraktur, Diagnose, Therapie
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 6/2023
Online OnlyDOI: 10.11607/ijp.8102, PubMed-ID: 38112740Seiten: e190-e201, Sprache: EnglischSüdbeck, Sonja / Buser, Ramona / Reymus, Marcel / Hoffmann, Moritz / Edelhoff, Daniel / Stawarczyk, BognaPurpose: To investigate the bending moment of implants restored with a directly screwed single-unit fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) compared to implants restored with an FDP polymerized to a titanium base before and after thermomechanical aging. Materials and Methods: A total of 240 implants (120 with and 120 without a titanium base) were restored with FDPs manufactured from conventionally sintered 3Y-TZP, 5Y-TZP, 4Y-TZP, and CoCrMo, as well as high-speed sintered 4Y-TZP. Half the specimens per subgroup were aged using chewing simulation combined with thermocycling (1,200,000 cycles at 50 N; 6,000 cycles at 5° to 55°). Initial and aged fracture load were measured. The bending moment was calculated and subjected to statistical analysis (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Scheffé, t, and chi-square tests; P < .05). Failure types were analyzed. Results: Implants without a titanium base showed higher bending moments for all initially tested zirconia groups compared to implants with a titanium base. The highest initial values were observed for 4Y-TZP FDPs regardless of implant type. High-speed sintered FDPs demonstrated higher initial bending moments compared to conventionally sintered FDPs. Artificial aging led to a decrease of the bending moment in most subgroups. After aging, no differences were found within the restoration materials, sintering protocols, or implant types. Implant deformation occurred mainly with directly screwed FDPs, whereas FDP mobility was predominantly observed among implants with a titanium base. FDP fractures were mainly observed for 5Y-TZP. Conclusions: Both implant types exhibited similar values after aging. Thus, implants without a titanium base seem to show equally sufficient stability for clinical applications with all tested materials.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2/2023
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.6950, PubMed-ID: 33625399Seiten: 194-202, Sprache: EnglischReymus, Marcel / Liebermann, Anja / Spintzyk, Sebastian / Stawarczyk, BognaPurpose: To investigate the discoloration and surface properties of four CAD/CAM composite resins following storage in various food solutions and exposure to cigarette smoke.
Materials and Methods: A total of 74 specimens (N = 370) were prepared for five materials: Brilliant Crios (BC), Cerasmart (GC), Lava Ultimate (LU), Shofu Block HC (SH), and Sonic Fill 2 (SO). Discoloration (ΔE) was investigated with a spectrophotometer. Measurements were taken before immersion in storage media (carrot juice, curry, cigarette smoke, red wine, energy drink, and distilled water), after 2 weeks of immersion, and after manual polishing of the specimens following immersion. The average surface roughness (Ra) was measured with a profilometer. Qualitative surface observation was performed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann-Whitney U test, and one-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test.
Results: The highest influence on ΔE after immersion was observed for storage medium (ηP2 = 0.878, P < .001), followed by the interaction between storage medium and material (ηP 2 = 0.770, P < .001) and material (ηP 2 = 0.306, P < .001). For ΔE after polishing, the highest influence was indicated by the interaction between material and medium (ηP 2 = 0.554, P < .001), followed by medium (ηP2 = 0.244, P < .001) and material (ηP2 = 0.196, P < .001). Immersion in carrot juice led to the highest color change (ΔE: 8.0 to 10.4), whereas the lowest values were recorded in distilled water (ΔE: 2.0 to 2.4). Carrot juice and the energy drink caused the highest Ra values (0.120 μm to 0.355 μm). SEM pictures indicated a loss of the organic matrix after manual polishing.
Conclusion: The different materials reacted dissimilarly to the various storage media in terms of discoloration. Surface roughness increased after immersion or polishing. Neither discoloration nor surface roughness could be reset to default by manual polishing.
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 7/2022
WissenschaftSeiten: 670-678, Sprache: DeutschLask, Marie / Reymus, Marcel / Mayinger, Felicitas / Stawarczyk, BognaLiteraturübersicht zur OberflächenvergütungAufgrund der stetigen Weiterentwicklung von polymerbasierten Werkstoffen ergibt sich heutzutage ein breites Anwendungsspektrum im dentalen Bereich. Die Materialeigenschaften von 3-D-druckbaren Harzen und Kompositen müssen jedoch noch verbessert werden, damit sie als definitiver Zahnersatz eingesetzt werden können. Für die Verbesserung der Oberflächeneigenschaften polymerbasierter Werkstoffe kommen verschiedene Verfahren zur Anwendung.
Schlagwörter: additive Fertigung, 3-D-Druck, Oberflächenbehandlung, Politur, Versiegelungslack
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 3/2022
WissenschaftSeiten: 234-240, Sprache: DeutschLankes, Valerie / Reymus, Marcel / Liebermann, Anja / Stawarczyk, BognaEinfluss des Postprocessing und erste Tipps zur adhäsiven BefestigungDer dentale 3-D-Druck deckt mittlerweile ein breites Indikationsspektrum ab. Die additive Fertigung von Langzeitprovisorien bietet heutzutage zunehmend eine Alternative zur konventionellen Fertigung. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick der bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse über 3-D-gedruckte Restaurationen, den Postprocessing-Prozess sowie Befestigungsstrategien.
Schlagwörter: additive Fertigung, 3-D-Druck, harzbasierte Restauration, Postprocessing, Befestigung
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 2/2022
StatementSeiten: 176-177, Sprache: DeutschReymus, MarcelQZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 2/2022
KurzfassungSeiten: 194, Sprache: DeutschPrechtel, Alexander / Reymus, Marcel / Edelhoff, Daniel / Hickel, Reinhard / Stawarczyk, BognaThe International Journal of Prosthodontics, 6/2021
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.7428Seiten: 775-783, Sprache: EnglischAntón, Xenia / Stawarczyk, Bogna / Reymus, Marcel / Joda, Tim / Liebermann, Anja
Purpose: To investigate the impact of high-speed sintering on the accuracy (trueness and reproducibility) and fit of 4Y-TZP full-coverage single-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and three-unit FDPs.
Materials and methods: Single-unit FDPs, conventional three-unit FDPs, and cantilever three-unit FDPs (N = 108; n = 12 per subgroup) were fabricated from: (1) high-speed sintered (1,580°C, about 20 minutes) multi-layer 4Y-TZP (Zolid RS, Amann Girrbach; ZMLH group), as well as two conventionally sintered (1,450°C, about 10 hours) materials: (2) multi-layer 4Y-TZP (Zolid Gen-X, Amann Girrbach; ZMLC group) and (3) monochrome 4Y-TZP (Ceramill Zolid HT+ PS, Amann Girrbach; ZMOC group). All specimens were scanned. Trueness, reproducibility, and fit were measured with 3D analysis software. For data analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U tests were performed (α = .05).
Results: Three-unit FDPs made from ZMLH presented a deterioration of accuracy in comparison to ZMLC (P ≤ .001 to .008). The influence of highspeed sintering on marginal and general fit was not clinically relevant (P = .154 to .877).
Conclusion: High-speed sintering influenced the accuracy of 4Y-TZP full-coverage single-unit and three-unit FDPs. However, no clinically relevant impact on fit was observed.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics, 6/2021
DOI: 10.11607/ijp.7048Seiten: 784-795, Sprache: EnglischMayer, Johannes / Reymus, Marcel / Wiedenmann, Felicitas / Edelhoff, Daniel / Hickel, Reinhard / Stawarczyk, Bogna
Purpose: To investigate the influence of different cleaning methods for additively manufactured fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) for long-term temporary use on the degree of conversion (DC), surface roughness, Martens parameters, and biaxial flexural strength.
Materials and methods: A total of 180 specimens per material (3Delta Etemp, DeltaMed; Freeprint Temp, Detax; Temp PRINT, GC Europe; Temp C&B and C&B MFH, NextDent; N = 180) were additively manufactured (D20 II, Rapid Shape) and subsequently cleaned by different methods: by rinsing for 5 minutes in acetone (Höfer Chemie; 99.5%); butyl glycol (Algin Chemie; 100%); ethanol (Otto Fischar; 96%); isopropanol (SAV LP; 100%); Yellow Magic 7 (Bradley Systems; 100%); or by applying centrifugal force for 4 minutes (n = 30 per subgroup). After postpolymerization (Otoflash G171, NK-Optik), the DC was measured using Raman spectroscopy, and the surface roughness, as well as the Martens parameters, were recorded. Biaxial flexural strength was investigated after artificial aging (thermocycling for 10,000 cycles). Data were statistically analyzed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U tests, and Pearson correlation coefficient).
Results: The highest DC was recorded after the use of butyl glycol or isopropyl (P < .001 to P = .047). The highest surface roughness was measured after the use of butyl glycol (P < .001 to P = .024). The use of centrifugal force or Yellow Magic resulted in the highest Martens parameter values (P < .001 to P = .036) and the highest biaxial flexural strength (P < .001 to P = .013), while acetone and butyl glycol led to the lowest values.
Conclusion: The use of centrifugal force and Yellow Magic resulted in the highest Martens parameter values and the highest biaxial flexural strength. Concerning Yellow Magic, no negative effect on the mechanical properties was observed. The 3Delta Etemp material especially was prone to degradation after chemical cleaning.
QZ - Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 4/2021
StatementSeiten: 450-451, Sprache: DeutschReymus, Marcel / Stawarczyk, Bogna