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Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues

Ergonomics Applied to Dental Practice

1. Auflage 2023
Softcover; 21,6 x 28 cm, 132 Seiten, 116 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Zahnheilkunde allgemein, Endodontie, Parodontologie

ISBN 978-1-64724-090-5


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Musculoskeletal disorders are extremely prevalent among dentists due to sustained poor postures that cause muscle fatigue. This book teaches dental professionals how to prevent these disorders by adopting the four principles of dental ergonomics: knowledge of body biomechanics, using an ergonomic stool, implementing four-handed dentistry, and working with a surgical microscope. These principles aim to keep the body in a comfortable neutral posture throughout the working day, enabling dentists to work and live pain-free.

Chapter 1. General Aspects of Applied Ergonomics
Chapter 2. The Musculoskeletal System and Cumulative Trauma Disorders
Chapter 3. Sitting Posture
Chapter 4. Pain Syndroms in the Upper Limb
Chapter 5. The Role of the Dental Assistant: Four-Handed Dentistry
Chapter 6. Ergonomic Dental Equipment
Chapter 7. Rest, Stretching, and Fitness
Chapter 8. The Optical Microscope


Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues DDS

Juan Carlos Ortiz Hugues, DDS, is a certified ergonomics assessment specialist who lectures and provides trainings on advanced dental ergonomics, mainly related to dental microscopy. He serves as the vice president of the Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry (AMED) and maintains a private practice limited to endodontics in David, Panama. He wrote his book to encourage dental professionals to adopt better practices so they can live and work pain-free.

Cover, Ortiz Hugues: Ergonomics Applied to Dental Practice

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