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Marisa Roncati

Get Sharp

Nonsurgical Periodontal Instrument Sharpening

1st Edition 2011
Softcover, 132 Seiten, 300 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Praxisteam, Prophylaxe

ISBN 978-88-7492-153-9
QP Italy


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Correct sharpening of nonsurgical periodontal instruments is essential for effective prophylaxis. Incorrect sharpening can modify the instrument blade and jeopardize safe treatment, and continued use of a dull instrument can lead to inadequate treatment, partial removal of calculus deposits, and compromised healing. This book simplifies key concepts to ensure restoration of the fine cutting edge as well as maintenance of the original design of the blade.

Chapter 1. Why Sharpen
Chapter 2. When to Sharpen
Chapter 3. Materials for Sharpening
Chapter 4. Anatomy of Nonsurgical Periodontal Instruments
Chapter 5. Mistakes to Avoid
Chapter 6. Correct Sharpening Techniques
Chapter 7. Study Questions

Dr. Marisa Roncati RDH, DDS

Italien, Parma

Hochschulabschluss in Klassischer Philologie; Hochschulabschluss in Zahnmedizin und Dentalprothetik (Universität Ferrara); Diplomierte Dentalhygienikerin (Forsyth School, Boston, USA); Gastprofessur am Diplomstudiengang Dentalhygiene an den Universitäten Bologna (1991–2002) und Ferrara (2002–2006).Gastprofessur am Diplomstudiengang Dentalhygiene an der Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona (2008–heute) (Direktor: Prof. Angelo Putignano); Leiterin des Moduls „Follow up und professionelle postprothetische Hygiene” des Masterstudiengangs Prothetik und Implantatprothetik mit neuen Technologien (Direktor: Prof. Roberto Scotti); Dozentin beim European Master Degree on Laser Applications (EMDOLA) an der Universität  La Sapienza, Rom (Direktor: Prof. Umberto Romeo); Gastprofessur am Masterstudiengang Implantologie an der Universität Padua  (Direktor: Prof. A. Favero)

Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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