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Bun San Chong

Managing Endodontic Failure in Practice

Reihe: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 23
1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 164 Seiten, 294 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Endodontie

ISBN 978-1-85097-086-6
QP United Kingdom


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Managing Endodontic Failures in Practice, provides a concise, practical overview of the "when" and "how" to save teeth with an unsatisfactory, and often deteriorating endodontic outcome. From diagnosis to the monitoring of successfully retreated teeth, Managing Endodontic Failures in Practice is clearly the work of an endodontist "in the know" and "up to speed" on the latest thinking, developments and techniques.

Chapter 1. Defining Success and Failure
Chapter 2. Understanding Endodontic Failure
Chapter 3. The Decision-Making Process
Chapter 4. Biological Objectives of Retreatment
Chapter 5. Disassembling the Coronal Restoration
Chapter 6. Achieving Radicular Access
Chapter 7. Managing Canal Obstructions
Chapter 8. A Surgical Alternative

Prof. Bun San Chong

Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland, London

BS Chong is Professor of Restorative Dentistry/Honorary Consultant, Endodontic Lead & Director, Postgraduate Endodontics, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London. In addition, he is a General Dental Council (UK) registered Specialist in Endodontics and has been in private practice since 1990. Professor Chong is the Editor and contributing author of two editions (6th and 7th) of Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice; author of Managing Endodontic Failure in Practice; contributing author to Self-Assessment Picture Tests in Dentistry: Endodontics and Principles of Endodontics. He is also on the Editorial Board of the International Endodontic Journal, and President, British Endodontic Society (2017-18).

Cover, Chong: Managing Endodontic Failure in Practice
"...Dr. Chong does an excellent job in presenting the rationale for managing endodontic failures. This concise book is up-to-date on all new materials, devices and techniques used in endodontics. After reading this book, every practitioner should have a better understanding of the prognosis of retreatment."
Steven Stern, DDS; NYSDJ (December 2004)

"It is said that completing a good meal should leave one wanting more. This is indeed the case with this super 150-page book on endodontic retreatment. Endodontic retreatment is not just about how you remove various objects from root canals, but more about understanding why the root canal treatment has not been successful in the first place, and that is all about understanding the basis tenets of endodontics. The author tackles this thorny, but basic issue splendidly, and in my opinion gets the reader off on the right track in the first three chapters. In chapter three, Decision Making, he outlines how we can simplify this process, and his algorithm on page 24 would be a great asset to the aspiring endodontic retreater!..."
Chris Emery BDS, MRD, MGDS; Primary Dental Care (October 2005)