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Tiziano Testori / Massimo del Fabbro / Roberto Weinstein / Stephen S. Wallace

Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment

1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 380 Seiten, 409 farbige Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Oralchirurgie, Parodontologie

ISBN 978-1-85097-170-2
QP Deutschland


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Inspired by an idea originating at the Consensus Conference on Maxillary Sinus of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery in 2001, the authors of this book have created a new, up-to-date text that brings together the most recent scientific discoveries and innovative clinical protocols for maxillary sinus augmentation as well as possible alternatives to these techniques. The book begins with anatomy, otorhinolaryngologic implications, and bone healing, then progresses to diagnostic, surgical, and patient-monitoring phases. An invaluable resource for both students and professional clinical experts.

Chapter 01. Introduction and Background
Chapter 02. Anatomy of the Maxillary Sinus
Chapter 03. Otorhinolaryngological Contraindications in Augmentation of the Maxillary Sinus
Chapter 04. The Role of Endoscopy in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation. Indications for Endoscopic Surgery to Optimize Sinus Functions
Chapter 05. Biologic and Biomechanical Basis of Bone Healing and Osseointegration of Implants in Sinus Grafts
Chapter 06. The Role of CT Scans in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Surgery
Chapter 07. Maxillary Atrophy: Classification and Surgical Protocols
Chapter 08. Anesthesia Techniques for Sinus Augmentation Surgery. Conscious Sedation Using Midazolam
Chapter 09. Clinical Indications for Different Types of Graft Material
Chapter 10. Histologic and Clinical Results of Sinus Floor Augmentation with Bone Substitutes
Chapter 11. Bioglass in Oral Surgery
Chapter 12. Surgical Procedures: Lateral Window Approach
Chapter 13. Alternatives to Sinus Floor Augmentation
Chapter 14. Piezoelectric Surgery. Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Techniques
Chapter 15. Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Crestal Techniques
Chapter 16. Autogenous Bone Harvesting Techniques from Intraoral Sites
Chapter 17. Autogenous Bone Harvesting Techniques from Extraoral Sites: Iliac Crest, Calvaria, Fibula and Tibia
Chapter 18. The Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in Maxillary Sinus Augmentation. Biologic Principles and Clinical Studies
Chapter 19. Complications: Diagnosis and Management
Chapter 20. Systematic Review of the literature on Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Associated with Implantation Procedures
Chapter 21. Future Developments in Maxillary Sinus Surgery
Chapter 22. Advanced Imaging Techniques in Sinus Surgery
Chapter 23. Appendix: Collection of Clinical Records, Files, Patient Monitoring and Data Reporting

Dr. Tiziano Testori MD, DDS

Italien, Como

Dr. Tiziano Testori ist Leiter der Abteilung für Implantologie und orale Rehabilitation der Zahnmedizinischen Klinik am Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Abteilung für Gesundheitstechnologien der Universität Mailand. Außerdem ist er Gastprofessor am New York University College of Dentistry in New York. Der ehemalige Präsident der Italienischen Gesellschaft für Oralchirurgie und Implantologie (SICOI) ist Gründungsmitglied der Advanced Implantology Study Group (AISG), Autor von mehr als 200 wissenschaftlichen Artikeln und Mitherausgeber von Sinusbodenaugmentation. Chirurgische Techniken und alternative Konzepte (Quintessenz, 2010). Dr. Testori betreibt  eine Privatpraxis in Como.


Dr. Massimo del Fabbro

Italien, Milano

Dr. Massimo Del Fabbro ist Leiter der Abteilung für orale Pathophysiologie der Zahnmedizinischen Klinik am Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Abteilung für Gesundheitstechnologien der Universität Mailand. Er ist Autor mehrerer Artikel auf den Gebieten Parodontologie, zahnärztliche Implantologie, Endodontologie, Physiologie und Biochemie. Außerdem ist er Mitherausgeber von Sinusbodenaugmentation. Chirurgische Techniken und alternative Konzepte (Quintessenz, 2010). Dr. Del Fabbro forscht auf den Gebieten Zahnheilkunde, orale Chirurgie und orale Medizin  an der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Mailand.


Dr. Roberto Weinstein


Roberto L. Weinstein graduated with a degree in medicine and surgery in 1972 and received his DDS in 1974 from the University of Milan. He then became a researcher at the same university and an associate professor at the University of Modena. From 1990 to 2017, he served as a full professor and chairman of periodontology at the University of Milan. He is the director of the Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Sciences and the former Dean of Dental Faculty. Dr Weinstein is also a past president of SIdP and is currently the director of Humanitas Dental Center, ICH, in Rozzano, Italy.

Cover, Testori/del Fabbro/Weinstein et al.: Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment