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Giovanni Zucchelli

Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery

1st Edition 2013
Hardcover, 826 Seiten, 4273 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie

ISBN 978-88-7492-023-5
QP Italy


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Mucogingival esthetic surgery is dedicated to the treatment of mucogingival esthetic alterations. These may be caused by gingival recession, often in association with abrasion and/or root caries or, conversely, altered passive eruption. The aims of mucogingival esthetic surgery may also be to augment gingival width and height around prostheses or implants and to fill out edentulous ridges. Techniques for edentulous ridge augmentation
are addressed in the second volume. This volume describes and illustrates mucogingival surgical techniques as applied to native teeth or implants, with the chief aim of satisfying the patient's esthetic requirements.

Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli

This beautifully illustrated book explains the art and science of esthetic surgical techniques on the mucogingiva around natural teeth and implants. The author shows how to diagnose and treat mucogingival defects, with detailed explanation of the diagnosis of and the surgical options for covering varying degrees of gingival recession. The text features protocols for the treatment and preparation of root caries and noncarious lesions as well as the surgical procedures to cover exposed root surfaces and increase the volume of the affected gingiva. Throughout, the author places special emphasis on minimizing patient recovery time and postoperative discomfort while achieving the patient's esthetic goals to the best extent possible. This comprehensive volume is a must-read for those seeking to learn or refine Mucogingival surgery techniques.

Chapter 01. Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery
Chapter 02. Diagnosis
Chapter 03. Etiology
Chapter 04. Pathogenesis
Chapter 05. Predetermining Root Coverage
Chapter 06. Indications for Treatment
Chapter 07. Root Coverage Surgical Techniques
Chapter 08. Preoperative Therapy
Chapter 09. Root Surface Treatment
Chapter 10. Amelogenins
Chapter 11. Gingival Clefts
Chapter 12. Associated Caries and Noncarious Cervical Lesions
Chapter 13. Coronally Advanced Flap with Releasing Incisions
Chapter 14. The Laterally Moved, Coronally Advanced Flap
Chapter 15. Free Gingival Grafts
Chapter 16. Two-Step Techniques
Chapter 17. Harvesting Connective Tissue Grafts

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli DDS, PhD

Italien, Bologna

1988: Abschluss in Zahnmedizin und Prothetik an der Universität Bologna. 1999: Doktor in Medizinischer Biotechnologie an der Universität Bologna. Seit 2000: Professor für Parodontologie an der Universität Bologna. Auszeichnungen für klinische Forschung in der Parodontologie in Europa und den USA. Aktives Mitglied der Società Italiana di Parodontologia e Implantologia, Mitglied der European Federation of Periodontology und der American Academy of Periodontology. Mitglied des Editorial Board des European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Autor von mehr als 100 Artikeln in italienischen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften. Referent bei wichtigen italienischen und internationalen Kongressen zur Parodontologie.Koautor zweier Atlanten zur plastischen Parodontalchirurgie. Koautor des Kapitels Mucogingival therapy – periodontal plastic surgery in: Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T (Hrsg.). Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry.

Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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