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Enrico Agliardi / Davide Romeo

Tilted Implants

Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation of the Atrophic Patient

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 22,2 x 30,3 cm, 432 Seiten, 2091 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Prothetik

ISBN 978-0-86715-818-2


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When presented with atrophic arches, clinicians often turn to invasive techniques such as bone grafting or maxillary sinus augmentation. However, using tilted implants instead can avoid these aggressive procedures, allowing the implant support to be moved posteriorly and for longer implants to be chosen. The implants can be loaded immediately to support a full-arch fixed prosthesis in multiple configurations, such as All-on-4, transsinus implants, zygomatic implants, or the authors' signature V-II-V technique. This book first presents the science and clinical evidence behind the various protocols using tilted implants, then proceeds to discuss patient evaluation, diagnostics, and planning before diving into the methods themselves. Procedures are discussed separately for each arch, highlighted by dozens of clinical cases representing a diverse range of initial situations. In addition to the surgical protocols, methods for fabricating provisional and definitive prostheses are laid out with each step illustrated and explained. This comprehensive volume truly covers everything a clinician needs to know to use tilted implants with great success for their patients.

Chapter 01. The Biology of Osseointegration
Chapter 02. Osseointegration in Immediate Loading
Chapter 03. Immediate Loading with Tilted Implants
Chapter 04. Advantages of Tilting Dental Implants
Chapter 05. Evaluation of Edentulous Patients
Chapter 06. Diagnostics and Planning for Complex Rehabilitation
Chapter 07. Rehabilitation of the Compromised Patient
Chapter 08. Rehabilitation Protocols for the Maxilla
Chapter 09. Rehabilitation Protocols for the Mandible
Chapter 10. Provisional Prosthetic Solutions
Chapter 11. Definitive Prosthetic Solutions

Enrico Agliardi • Riccardo Benzi • Alessandra Carrera • Matteo Clericò • Matteo Consonni • Michele Manacorda • Federico Mandelli • Davide Romeo • Stefano Rota • Raffaele Vinci


Dr. Enrico Agliardi

Dr Agliardi graduated with honors from the University of Milan in 1994, specializing in medicine and surgery. At the same university, he attained a specialization in maxillofacial surgery in 2000 and a specialization in orthodontics in 2005. Since 2009, Dr Agliardi has been in charge of the Special Rehabilitation Surgery department at the Department of Dentistry of IRCCS San Raffaele of Milan, and he is also a professor in the Special Rehabilitation Surgery Department at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. For over 15 years, he has been involved in the implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of compromised patients with tilted and zygomatic implants.


Dr. Davide Romeo

Dr Romeo graduated with honors from the University of Milan in 2005, specializing in dentistry and dental prosthetics and with a thesis on the clinical efficacy of the All-on-4 protocol. He later obtained a doctorate from research in innovative techniques in oral implantology and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation, attending the dental clinic of the Galeazzi Institute of Milan before completing a year of study in periodontology at the Department of Periodontology and Implantology at New York University. He has been collaborating with Dr Enrico Agliardi for 14 years, carrying out clinical and research activities on immediate and partial and complete rehabilitations.

Cover, Agliardi/Romeo: Tilted Implants

„Der Hauptteil des Buches befasst sich mit den detaillierten Behandlungsprotokollen für den Bereich der Maxilla und der Mandibula. Dabei wird genauestens auf die verschiedenen Techniken eingegangen, wie genau die Implantate anguliert werden müssen und auch wie Hilfsmittel als ‚surgical guide‘ zum Einsatz kommen. Die einzelnen Behandlungsschritte werden dann anhand von zahlreichen klinischen Fällen Schritt für Schritt beschrieben. Dieses Buch ist zu empfehlen für implantologisch und chirurgisch erfahrenere Kollegen und Kolleginnen, insbesondere Oral- und Kieferchirurgen, aber auch für Interessierte, die ihren Horizont über eine gewohnte Implantation hinaus erweitern möchten."

– Moritz Etges in Der Freie Zahnarzt Ausgabe 09/2021

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