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Tomas Linkevičius

Zero Bone Loss Concepts

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 304 Seiten, 1231 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Oralchirurgie

ISBN 978-0-86715-799-4


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Bone loss is still a major issue that dentists encounter, but it is a complication that can be prevented. By combining clinical experience with peer-reviewed scientific evidence, the author of this book has put together a guide that any implant specialist will find invaluable to prevent bone loss in their patients. Different strategies are presented that can be used to achieve zero bone loss years after treatment. Because successful treatment depends on both the surgical and prosthetic components, the book is divided into two parts, each focusing in depth on what must be done in each phase to promote bone stability. Case presentations detail many types of clinical situations, implant choices, and prosthetic solutions, all backed by evidence-based clinical studies that have proven success.

Section I. Surgical Concepts
Chapter 01. Surgical Factors for Establishing Crestal Bone Stability
Chapter 02. Implant Design Factors
Chapter 03. Implant Placement Depth
Chapter 04. Vertical Soft Tissue Thickness
Chapter 05. Subcrestal Implant Placement
Chapter 06. Flattening of the Alveolar Ridge
Chapter 07. The Tent-Pole Technique
Chapter 08. Vertical Soft Tissue Augmentation
Chapter 09. Attached Tissues Around Dental Implants
Chapter 10. Practical Recommendations for Implant Placement

Section II. Prosthetic Concepts
Chapter 11. Prosthetic Factors for Maintaining Crestal Bone Stability
Chapter 12. Considerations for Cement-Retained Restorations
Chapter 13. Cement/Screw-Retained Restorations
Chapter 14. Titanium Base Solutions for Fixed Partial Dentures
Chapter 15. Abutment Alternatives
Chapter 16. Influence of the Emergence Profile
Chapter 17. Prosthetic Materials
Chapter 18. Subgingival Materials
Chapter 19. Avoiding "Zirconia Without Zirconia" Restorations
Chapter 20. Supragingival Materials for Implant Reconstructions

Dr. Tomas Linkevičius DDS, Dip. Pros, PhD

Litauen, Vilnius

Dr. Tomas Linkevicius promovierte im Jahr 2000 an der Universität Kaunas in Litauen. Im Jahr 2004 schloss er das Masterstudium in zahnärztlicher Prothetik an der Universität Vilnius ab und verteidigte 2009 seine Doktorarbeit mit dem Titel "The influence of mucosal tissue thickness on crestal bone stability around dental implants" an der Riga Stradins University in Lettland. Dr. Linkevicius ist derzeit außerordentlicher Professor am Institute of Odontology der Universität Vilnius. Er führt außerdem eine Privatpraxis und ist Gründer eines privaten Forschungszentrums. Dr. Linkevicius ist als Gutachter für mehrere zahnmedizinische Fachzeitschriften tätig, darunter das International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, das Journal of Periodontology, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research und das Journal of Clinical Periodontology. Er ist Autor des Bestsellers Zero Bone Loss Concepts sowie zahlreicher Beiträge in internationalen Fachzeitschriften.

A lot of information is already present in my book and during live conferences, however, it is not possible to reach everybody. This is why I decided to bring "Zero Bone Loss Concepts" directly to you and provide up-to-date, exclusive and practical educational content, in a digital format.

You will be able to study these amazing principles whenever and wherever you want. Once you sign up to my course, not only will you have access to the content but you will also be part of a community of 500+ learners & colleagues. Sound appealing?
Cover, Linkevicius: Zero Bone Loss Concepts

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