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1079 Authors/Speakers


Roger Rankel

Germany, Feldafing

Bestsellerautor Roger Rankel gilt als der Experte für Kundengewinnung. Mehrfach ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem "Großen Preis des Mittelstands" und dem "Internationalen Deutschen Trainingspreis", gehört er sowohl für DAX-Unternehmen als auch für erfolgsorientierte Mitelständler und ambitionierte Praxisinhaber zur ersten Wahl, wenn es um Kundengewinnung und nachhaltige Umsatzsteigerung geht. Für den Marketingpapst Prof. Dr. Michael Zacharias ist er der "Begründer des modernen Verkaufens".

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Prof. Dr. Giulio Rasperini DDS

Italy, Piacenza

Giulio Rasperini, DDS, is an associate professor of dentistry and periodontology in the Department of Biomedical, Surgical, and Dental Sciences at the University of Milan in Italy and an adjunct clinical associate professor in the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine in the School of Dentistry at the University of Michigan. He serves on the editorial board for The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, has published and lectured extensively on periodontology and implantology, and is the recipient of several research awards. In 2017, Dr Rasperini founded the iPerio Education Center in Piacenza, Italy, with Dr Giorgio Pagni and Dr Raffaele Acunzo.

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Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger

Germany, Freiburg im Breisgau

Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen

Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen ist einer der gefragtesten Dental Designer Europas. Der Unternehmer und Visionär positionierte sein Labor erfolgreich auf internationalem Spitzenniveau. Dank seiner hohen ästhetischen Ansprüche ist er begehrter Ansprechpartner in Fragen dentaler Schönheit. Fachzeitschriften bescheinigen ihm "zahntechnische Höchstleistungen" (dental dialogue), "Dienstleistung pur" (das dentallabor) und das Setzen "neuer Maßstäbe" (ZahnTechnik), die VOGUE widmete ihm 2007 ein mehrseitiges Special.

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Dr. Franck Renouard

France, Paris

Franck Renouard is graduated of the Dental University of Paris V in 1982. He was assistant of Jean-François Tulasne in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Team of Paul Tessier from 1983 to 1988 in Paris. He has published several articles and book chapters. He is author of 3 Text Books with Bo Rangert. The first one " Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry: Simplified Clinical Analysis for predictable Treatment" was published in 10 languages. His new book, co-written with a professional pilot, is about Human Factors and medical errors. He lectures intensively on Simplification on Implants Dentistry (including short implants), Complications, Biomechanics and Bone Grafting procedure. Dr. Renouard was elected to the European Association for Osseointegration executive board in Amsterdam in 2000, and is Past President-for the organization (2006-2008). He is in Private Practice in Paris limited of Oral and Implant Surgery. He is visiting Professor at the Medicine Faculty of Lieges, Belgium.

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Dr. Jose Manuel Reuss

Spain, Madrid

Dr Jose Manuel Reuss graduated in dentistry from the University Complutense of Madrid, where he also obtained a Master´s Degree of Science. As a postgraduate in surgical implant dentistry at the University of California at Los Angeles, he was a recipient of a grant from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry for preclinical and clinical research. During his postgraduate research, he focused on bone regeneration with growth factor technologies. Dr Jose Manual Reuss’s clinical background both in implant surgery and prosthodontics has led him to develop a facially guided restoration concept. In particular, severe tooth wear or highly dysfunctional cases can benefit from the combination of digital protocols and a more traditional classical workflow. His current clinical and research foci relie on the integration of facial scanners into guided surgery systems, restorative protocols, and clinician-technician communication. As an affiliate member of the European Academy of Esthetics Dentistry, he is an enthusiast of multidisciplinary thinking and is therefore also a member of the Spanish Society of Prosthodontics (SEPES), the Spanish Society of Periodontics (SEPA), the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), and the European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO). Dr Jose Manuel Reuss is a Collaborating Professor in the Postgraduate Prosthodontics Department in the field of implant and restorative dentistry at the University Complutense of Madrid, the University of Leon, and at the Esthetic Dentistry Department at the University San Pablo CEU of Madrid. His current focus of research is digital implant dentistry and severe tooth wear with the aim to optimize diagnostic and treatment phases and engage the working team in research. His goal to simplify the communication between the team members of an integrated multifaceted treatment plan challenges Dr Reuss almost as much as his passion for sports in his personal life.

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Dr. Débora Reuss

Spain, Madrid

Dr Debora Reuss obtained her Master’s Degree in Orthodontics at the European University of Madrid, 4 years after graduating as a dentist from San Pablo CEU University of Madrid. Having completed several postgraduate specialty courses (including Damon self-ligating and Invisalign systems), she joined the Spanish Orthodontics Society (SEDO) and the Spanish Society of Aligners (SEDA). As a Member of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), she is a firm believer in facial- and profile-guided orthodontics. Dr Reuss trained in occlusion at the Pankey Institute of Miami and believes that a classical concept of occlusion must be a driving force in treating orthodontic patients. Her passion for treating patients within a multidisciplinary approach has inspired her to attend continuing education courses on occlusion, restorative, and prosthodontic topics and is the reason behind her affiliation with the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthetics (SEPES) as well as the reason why she became affiliate member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED). Dr Reuss teaches at the Esthetic Dentistry Department at San Pablo CEU University of Madrid. Multidisciplinary thinking led her to join the Vilaboa Team in Madrid to help treat tooth wear patients with a minimally invasive philosophy to prevent further wear and to ensure conservative performance of the required restorations. An education in three-dimensional thinking as an orthodontist is key in leading the tooth wear team to a facially guided restoration as an architect of the oral complex.

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Marcela Romero Reyes DDS, PhD

United States of America, Baltimore

Regine Reymond

Regine Reymond – alternative practitioner, pharmaceutical representative, and co-owner of the company "easinject" – is an expert in the area of esthetic lip treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers and, since 2001, an experienced user of minimally invasive injection techniques. Since then, she has also organized or led more than 150 workshops, seminars, and symposia on the topic of filler techniques.

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Johan Reyneke BChD, MChD, FCMFOS (SA), PhD

Johan P. Reyneke, BChD, MChD, FCMFOS (SA), PhD, is currently the director of the Centre for Orthognathic Surgery at Mediclinic in Cape Town, South Africa. He holds professorships in the departments of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in Monterrey, Mexico. Dr Reyneke lectures extensively and has been an invited guest speaker at conferences on five continents. He has published several manuals on surgical technique, written chapters in several oral and maxillofacial surgery textbooks, has authored more than 65 peer-reviewed articles, and has authored and coauthored books on orthognathic surgery. Dr Reyneke has served on the national executive committee of the South African Society of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeons for 14 years and was president for 4 years, and he maintained a private practice in Johannesburg, South Africa, for over 30 years.

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Dr. Giano Ricci

Italy, Florence

Giano Ricci graduated with a degree in medicine and specialized in dentistry at the University of Florence. In 1974, he obtained his Master’s of Science in Periodontology from Boston University. He is an author of numerous publications in the periodontal field and author of Diagnosis and Periodontal Therapy (Quintessence Publishing, 2014). He is an active member of the EFP; honorary member of the AIOP; cofounder, past president and active member of SIdP and cofounder and immediate past president of the EAED. He has delivered lectures, practical demonstrations and continuing education courses in periodontology, implantology and esthetic dentistry in Europe, the United States, and Japan.

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Dr Weber Adad Ricci

Graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara (2000); Mestrado em Reabilitação Oral Área de Prótese (2002) e Doutorado (2005) na mesma área ambos realizados na referida instituição. Atuou como docente da União São Bento de ensino (UNIARA), coordenador das disciplinas de Prótese Total e Prótese Parcial Removível e docente da Clínica Integrada (2005 a 2008). Foi professor da Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas Regional de Araraquara nos cursos de especialização em prótese dentária e de aperfeiçoamento em procedimentos estéticos avançados, sendo neste último seu coordenador. Professor substituto na disciplina de clínica integrada da FOAr UNESP (2007-2009). Em 2008 atuou como professor, no curso de aperfeiçoamento cirúrgico e protético em reabilitações com protocolos implantossuportados (GESTOS). Tem experiência na área de Odontologia, com ênfase em materiais estéticos, adesão, oclusão e odontologia digital. Atuou (desde Fev./2010) como Professor Assistente Doutor da disciplina de Clínica Integrada da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara em regime de dedicação exclusiva à docência e à pesquisa. Recentemente desempenha atividades públicas na Unesp com Regime de Turno Completo e atividades privadas de ensino, atendimento e consultoria. É autor do livro Lógica, o qual se tornou um best seller com mais de 3000 cópias vendidas em cerca de 60 países (disponível em inglês, espanhol e português)

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Dr. Domenico Ricucci

Italy, Cetraro

Dr. Domenico Ricucci received his degree in General Medicine from "La Sapienza" University of Rome in 1982, and his DDS from the same University in 1985. Since then on he has maintained private dental practices limited to endodontics. He served in the Research Committee of the European Society of Endodontology from 1999 to 2005. Since 1998 he has run his own histology laboratory and his primary research interest relates to pulpal and periapical tissue reactions to caries and treatment procedures, biofilms in endodontic infections, etiology of RTC treatment failure, pulp regeneration / revascularization. Dr Ricucci has published 112 papers and has lectured both nationally and internationally. He has authored the Textbook and Atlas "Patologia e Clinica Endodontica", the textbook and atlas "Endodontology. An integrated biological and clinical view", also translated into Chinese, Russian, Japanese. He has also authored or co-authored 22 book chapters.

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