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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
ISSN (print) 2566-9931


Issue cycle: Discontinued
Language: German

Categories: Student literature, General Dentistry, Dental Technology

Editor: Susann Lochthofen
QP Deutschland

Qdent is a journal for young dentists and is aimed to students of all semester levels as well as recent graduates. It focuses on the everyday life of students and their future professional orientation.

Issue 2/2024 is the last printed edition. From now on, all articles and expert information can be read online. Instead of having to wait for up-to-date information twice a year as before, new, high-quality content can now be consumed regularly throughout the year. The online edition is not only more sustainable than the printed editions, but also contains numerous tips for further education and for the time after graduation, right up to setting up a practice.

All Qdent content and much more is now available online at “Quintessence News” in the Studium & Praxisstart section. In addition, the newsletter Für Studium & Praxisstart appears in the first week of the month with all the latest information.

Register for free at: quint.news/studium


Susann Lochthofen

Germany, Berlin

phone: +49 (0) 30 / 761 80-612
e-mail: lochthofen@quintessenz.de

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ISSN 2566-9931
ISSN 2566-9931

Qdent, 02/2024

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