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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland


824 Products found

Michael Hülsmann / Edgar Schäfer (Editor)

Problems in Endodontics

Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 600 pages, 850 illus colored
Language: English
Category: Endodontics
Stock No.: 13681
ISBN 978-1-85097-186-3
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Norbert Salenbauch / Arrigo Cipriani / Volker Kriegel

Al dente

Culinary Delight for the Dental Patient

1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, 104 pages, 18 illus colored
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Patient Education, Guide Health & Medical Science, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 17081
ISBN 978-1-85097-187-0
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Peter K. Moy / Patrick Palacci / Ingvar Ericsson (Editor)

Immediate Function & Esthetics in Implant Dentistry

1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, 120 pages, 334 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Implantology, Restorative Dentistry
Stock No.: 14091
ISBN 978-1-85097-173-3
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Enrique M. Merino

Microcirugía endodóncica

1st Edition 2009
Hardback, 356 pages, 1164 illus
Language: Spanish
Category: Endodontics
ISBN 978-84-89873-43-8
QP Spain

Mauro Fradeani / Giancarlo Barducci

Ästhetische Sanierungen mit festsitzender Prothetik Band 2

Prothetische Behandlung: Systematischer Ansatz zur ästhetischen, biologischen und funktionellen Integration

1. Auflage 2009
Hardcover im Schuber, 600 pages, 2500 illus
Language: German
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Student literature
Stock No.: 12880
ISBN 978-3-87652-583-9
QP Deutschland

George Dimitroulis

Illustrated Lecture Notes in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 344 pages, 600 illus
Language: English
Category: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Stock No.: 17131
ISBN 978-0-86715-478-8

Product out of print.

Farhang Samandari / Jürgen K. Mai

Curriculum Funktionelle Anatomie für Zahnmediziner

Series: Curriculum
2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2009
Softcover, 642 pages, 342 illus
Language: German
Categories: Student literature, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 14220
ISBN 978-3-938947-38-8
QP Deutschland

Naoshi Sato

Parodontalchirurgie und Parodontal-restaurative Langzeittherapie

Die Bestseller im Set

1. Auflage 2009
beide Bände als Hardcover im Set, 944 pages, 5999 illus colored
Language: German
Categories: Implantology, Periodontics, Student literature
Stock No.: 11010
ISBN 978-3-86867-126-1
QP Deutschland


Carlos E. Francischone (Editor)

Osseointegration and Multidisciplinary Treatment

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 354 pages, 1000 illus colored
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 17181
ISBN 978-85-87425-76-8
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Janice Fiske / Chris Dickinson / Carole Boyle / Sobia Rafique / Mary Burke

Special Care Dentistry

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 42
1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, 160 pages, 53 illus
Language: English
Categories: Patient Education, Practice Management, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 31411
ISBN 978-1-85097-134-4
QP United Kingdom

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So Ran Kwon / Seok-Hoon Ko / Linda H. Greenwall

Tooth Whitening in Esthetic Dentistry

1st Edition 2009
Hardcover, Two-Volumes Book, 216 pages, 371 illus
Language: English
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
Stock No.: 14641
ISBN 978-1-85097-177-1
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Mithridade Davarpanah / Serge Szmukler-Moncler

Immediate Loading of Dental Implants

Theory and Clinical Practice

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 368 pages, 750 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 17091
ISBN 978-2-912550-50-7
QP France

Product out of print.

George A. Zarb / Tomas Albrektsson / Gerald Baker / Steven E. Eckert / Clark Stanford / Dennis P. Tarnow / Ann Wennerberg


On Continuing Synergies in Surgery, Prosthodontics, and Biomaterials

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 200 pages, 491 illus
Language: English
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 17071
ISBN 978-0-86715-479-5

Product out of print.

Irfan Ahmad

Esthetic Clinical Case Studies

Dilemmas & Solutions

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 136 pages, 383 illus
Language: English
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
Stock No.: 16981
ISBN 978-1-85097-172-6
QP United Kingdom

Product out of print.

Daniel Buser / Daniel Wismeijer / Urs C. Belser (Editor)

Implant Placement in Post-Extraction Sites

Treatment Options

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series, Volume 03
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 216 pages, 553 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 16881
ISBN 978-3-938947-14-2
QP Deutschland

Michael Cohen (Editor)

Interdisziplinäre Behandlungsplanung

Prinzipien, Gestaltung, Umsetzung

1. Auflage 2008
Hardcover, 568 pages, 1372 illus
Language: German
Category: General Dentistry
Stock No.: 16680
ISBN 978-3-938947-71-5
QP Deutschland

Christoph Hämmerle / Irena Sailer / Andrea Thoma / Gianni Hälg / Ana Suter / Christian Ramel

Dentale Keramiken

Aktuelle Schwerpunkte für die Klinik

1. Auflage 2008
Hardcover, 136 pages, 218 illus
Language: German
Categories: Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 16660
ISBN 978-3-938947-69-2
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Rodney D. Phoenix / David R. Cagna / Charles F. de Freest

Stewart's Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics

4th Edition 2008
Hardcover, 518 pages, 1316 illus
Language: English
Categories: Prosthodontics, Dental Technology, Student literature
Stock No.: 17011
ISBN 978-0-86715-485-6

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.

Toyohiko Hidaka

Solutions for Dental Esthetics

The Natural Look

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 156 pages, 516 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry
Stock No.: 16671
ISBN 978-1-85097-176-4
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Toyohiko Hidaka

Natürliches Aussehen mit dentaler Ästhetik

1. Auflage 2008
Hardcover, 156 pages, 516 illus
Language: German
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Student literature
Stock No.: 16670
ISBN 978-3-938947-68-5
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Mauro Fradeani / Giancarlo Barducci

Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics Volume 2

Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic Approach to Esthetic, Biologic and Functional Integration

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 600 pages, 2500 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 12881
ISBN 978-1-85097-171-9
QP Italy

Masahide Tsutsui / Teruko Tsutsui

Comprehensive Dentistry

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 444 pages, 3544 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Functional Therapy, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 12481
ISBN 978-1-85097-161-0
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

R. G. "Wick" Alexander

The 20 principles of the Alexander Discipline Volume 1

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 232 pages, 1000 illus
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics
Stock No.: 16911
ISBN 978-0-86715-467-2

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Derek Richards / Jan Clarkson / Debora Matthews / Rick Niederman

Evidence-Based Dentistry

Managing Information for Better Practice

Series: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 41
1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 156 pages, 35 illus
Language: English
Categories: Practice Management, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 31401
ISBN 978-1-85097-126-9
QP United Kingdom

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.