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919 Products found

Yair Sharav / Rafael Benoliel (Editor)

Orofacial Pain and Headache

2nd Edition 2015
Hardcover, 664 pages, 107 illus
Language: English
Category: Functional Therapy
Stock No.: 12321
ISBN 978-0-86715-680-5

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.

Ariel J. Raigrodski

Soft Tissue Management

The Restorative Perspective: Putting Concepts into Practice

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 208 pages, 779 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Implantology, Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry
Stock No.: 12091
ISBN 978-0-86715-691-1

This title is out of print. Please order the eBook via the partner links.

Douglas A. Terry

Expressions of the Soul Exposed

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 31 x 30 cm, 120 pages, 55 illus
Language: English
Category: Interdisciplinary
Stock No.: 20581
ISBN 978-0-86715-693-5

Product out of print.

Peter Oberender / Jürgen Zerth / Gerhard Brodmann (Editor)

Patient Gesundheitswesen: Mission 2030

Unsere gemeinsame Verantwortung die Zukunft zu gestalten

1. Auflage 2015
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 104 pages
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Science and Research
Stock No.: 15640
ISBN 978-3-86867-253-4
QP Deutschland

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

The Face

Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

2nd revised Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 368 pages, 380 illus
Language: English
Category: Anatomy
Stock No.: 30175
ISBN 978-1-85097-290-7
KVM Verlag

Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

The Face

Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

2nd revised Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 368 pages, 380 illus
Language: English
Categories: Anatomy, Dermatology, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Stock No.: 12161
ISBN 978-1-85097-289-1
QP Deutschland

Alessandro Agnini / Andrea Mastrorosa Agnini / Christian Coachman

Digital Dental Revolution

The Learning Curve

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover incl. DVD-Video, 416 pages, 1498 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Prosthodontics, Digital dentistry, General Dentistry, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 11031
ISBN 978-88-7492-017-4
QP Italy

Product out of print.

Sillas Duarte jr. (Editor)

Quintessence of Dental Technology 2015

Series: QDT Yearbook, Volume 38
1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 220 pages, 915 illus
Language: English
Category: Dental Technology
Stock No.: 16591
ISBN 978-0-86715-689-8

Product out of print.

Bernard C. Kolster / Markus M. Voll

Memo Anatomie

8., erweiterte Auflage 2015
Softcover, 14,3 x 20,9 cm, 176 pages, 75 illus
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Anatomy, Physiotherapy
Stock No.: 30164
ISBN 978-3-86867-278-7
KVM Verlag

Product out of print.

Klaus-Peter Valerius

Fotoatlas Anatomie

5., erweiterte Auflage 2015
Book, DVD
Softcover, 14,3 x 20,9 cm; inkl. DVD (Laufzeit: ca. 240 Min.), 552 pages, 260 illus
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Anatomy, Physiotherapy
Stock No.: 30163
ISBN 978-3-86867-277-0
KVM Verlag

Klaus-Peter Valerius / Hans-Rainer Duncker

Fotoatlas Neuroanatomie

3., erweiterte Auflage 2015
Book, DVD
Softcover, 14,3 x 20,9 cm; inkl. DVD (Laufzeit: ca. 180 Min.), 352 pages, 170 illus
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Anatomy, Physiotherapy
Stock No.: 30162
ISBN 978-3-86867-276-3
KVM Verlag

Martin H. Maurer

Memo Physiologie

3., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage 2015
Softcover, 14,3 x 20,9 cm; inkl. Lernposter der Stoffwechselwege, 208 pages, 152 illus
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Anatomy, Physiotherapy
Stock No.: 30161
ISBN 978-3-86867-275-6
KVM Verlag

Product out of print.

Sabine Meyer-Rogge / Kai Meyer-Rogge

Memo Biochemie

3., korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage 2015
Softcover, 14,3 x 20,9 cm; inkl. Lernposter der Stoffwechselwege, 188 pages, 155 illus
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Physiotherapy
Stock No.: 30160
ISBN 978-3-86867-274-9
KVM Verlag

Product out of print.

Bernard C. Kolster / Martin H. Maurer / Kai Meyer-Rogge / Sabine Meyer-Rogge / Markus M. Voll

Pocket Facts

Anatomie | Biochemie | Physiologie

1. Auflage 2015
3 Bücher (14,3 x 20,9 cm) jeweils im Softcover , 572 pages, 382 illus
Language: German
Categories: Student literature, Human Medicine, Anatomy, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 15320
ISBN 978-3-86867-296-1
QP Deutschland


GOZ Kompass

1. Auflage 2015
Spiralbindung, 44 pages
Language: German
Categories: Practice Management, Dental Team
Stock No.: 13040
ISBN 978-3-86867-286-2
QP Deutschland

Product out of print.

Anna Mariniello / Fabio Cozzolino

Atlas of Bracketless Fixed Lingual Orthodontics

Basic Concepts

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 368 pages, 1415 illus
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics
Stock No.: 15931
ISBN 978-88-7492-020-4
QP Italy

Product out of print.

Steffi Heimann

Hubi der Zahnzwerg

Hubi und Emil gehen zum Zahnarzt

1. Auflage 2015
Hardcover, 24 pages, 13 illus
Language: German
Categories: Children's Books, Patient Education
Stock No.: 16070
ISBN 978-3-86867-281-7
QP Deutschland

Alina Fratila / Alina Zubcov-Iwantscheff / William P. Coleman

Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery

Applied Anatomy | Examination | Blepharoplasty

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 408 pages, 800 illus
Language: English
Stock No.: 30150
ISBN 978-1-85097-272-3
KVM Verlag

Martin Gross

The Science and Art of Occlusion and Oral Rehabilitation

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 544 pages, 3406 illus
Language: English
Category: Functional Therapy
Stock No.: 19641
ISBN 978-1-85097-215-0
QP United Kingdom

Christoph T. Sliwowski

Implantology Step by Step

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 592 pages, 2341 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Student literature
Stock No.: 18121
ISBN 978-1-85097-281-5
QP Deutschland

Julia Neeb / Janine Schubert (Editor)


Behandeln – Nachschlagen – Begründen

1. Auflage 2015
Book, CD
Softcover, 144 pages, 4 illus
Language: German
Category: Practice Management
Stock No.: 16490
ISBN 978-3-86867-280-0
QP Deutschland

Jörg Ritter

Vom Generalisten zum Spezialisten

Positionierungs- und Kommunikationsstrategien für die zahnärztliche Praxis

1. Auflage 2015
Softcover, 80 pages, 21 illus
Language: German
Categories: Practice Management, General Dentistry, Student literature
Stock No.: 16470
ISBN 978-3-86867-267-1
QP Deutschland

Jörn Thiemer (Editor)
Caroline Gommel

Belächelt. Bekämpft. Beneidet.

Andersdenkende Zahnärzte und ihre Geschichten

1. Auflage 2015
Hardcover, 168 pages, 7 illus
Language: German
Categories: Practice Management, Student literature
Stock No.: 16290
ISBN 978-3-86867-269-5
QP Deutschland

Henny Deda / Beate Challakh / Sabine Schnelke

Der Gorilla in der Zahnarztpraxis

Wahrnehmung, Wertschätzung, Wirtschaftlichkeit

1. Auflage 2015
Hardcover, 112 pages, 5 illus
Language: German
Categories: Practice Management, Student literature
Stock No.: 15480
ISBN 978-3-86867-262-6
QP Deutschland