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30 Products found

Valentin Fröhlich

Tschüss Angst. Hallo Leben

A guide to your true potential

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 17 x 24 cm, 180 pages, 50 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Medical Science
Stock No.: 51420
ISBN 978-3-86867-680-8
KVM Verlag

Henrike Wilkes

Frauen führen besser!

Women lead better! If they dare to be authentic

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 13,6 x 20,5 cm, 172 pages, 14 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Business & Career
Stock No.: 51490
ISBN 978-3-86867-679-2
KVM Verlag

Michael von Kunhardt

105 Impulse für mehr Wohlbefinden und Motivation

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 13,6 × 20,5 cm, 208 pages, 32 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Business & Career
Stock No.: 51480
ISBN 978-3-86867-677-8
KVM Verlag

Rebecca Föhr

Eat Good. Feel Good.

Vegetarian through the day

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 16,5 x 20 cm, 188 pages, 80 illus
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Nutrition
Stock No.: 51190
ISBN 978-3-86867-678-5
KVM Verlag

Ben Baak

Du kannst dich mal… gesund bewegen!

You can... move yourself healthy! Impulses for simple and effective activities in everyday life

1st Edition 2023
Softcover, 14,8 x 21 cm, 190 pages
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Medical Science
Stock No.: 30340
ISBN 978-3-86867-668-6
KVM Verlag

Roberto Pistilli / Pietro Felice

Anatomy and Surgery of the Mandible

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 21.6 x 28 cm, 184 pages, 772 illus
Language: English
Category: Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 23191
ISBN 978-0-86715-944-8