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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Arndt Happe

Immediate placement and all-ceramic restoration in the anterior maxilla - a customized interdisciplinary treatment approach

Trailer | 61 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2012
Video-Quelle: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Reihe: Compendium Implant-Supported Restorations
Sie sehen den Trailer. Um den gesamten Film zu sehen, erwerben Sie bitte einen Zugang über die verfügbaren Optionen unten.


  • Patient presentation and esthetic analysis
  • Careful extraction of a non-salvageable tooth
  • Miniplast splint as a surgical template
  • Harvesting bone from the implant bed
  • Placing a CONELOG® implant at site 11
  • Obtaining a corticospongeous bone cylinder at site 48
  • Alveolar augmentation and reconstruction of the buccal bone lamella
  • Harvesting a connective-tissue graft
  • Tunneling the vestibular mucosa, various suturing techniques
  • Insertion of the provisional restorations
  • 3 months later: Preparing, impression and arbitrary transfer with a bite fork and facebow, temporary restoration
  • Master cast, new wax-up, determine the emergence profile
  • Fabricating a hybrid abutment, Scanning the custom abutment, on-screen crown design
  • Fabricating a zirconia abutment and a feldspathic ceramic veneer
  • Conditioning and adhesive attachment of the components, final intraoral check
  • Try in and adhesive cementation
Als DVD kaufen: Kirsch: Implantatprothetik / Implant-supported restorations

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