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  • Quintessence Publishing United Kingdom
Andreas Filippi / Virginia Ortiz / Cornelia Filippi / Fabio Saccardin


Ein Ratgeber für Betroffene und Angehörige

1st Edition 2022
Softcover, 21 x 28 cm, 72 pages, 38 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, General Dentistry

ISBN 978-3-86867-571-9
QP Deutschland


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Most people have enough saliva in their mouths, but when the amount of saliva gradually or even abruptly decreases for various reasons, there are clearly noticeable restrictions: the oral mucosa and tongue burn; food sticks to the teeth, gums, palate or existing dentures; bad breath becomes stronger; swallowing and speaking become increasingly difficult; and fungal infections often occur in the mouth . The longer this condition lasts and the more pronounced the dry mouth becomes, the more the quality of life of those affected is impaired in everyday life. The aim of this guide is to impart information about everything to do with saliva and the oral cavity: the basics of saliva production, the importance of saliva for oral health, the sometimes considerable problems with the teeth and oral mucosa in the dry mouth, the possible causes of reduced saliva quantity, the procedure in a professional consultation, and the treatment options.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi

Switzerland, Basel

Prof. Dr. Andreas Filippi is a specialist in Oral Surgery. He is the Clinical Director of the Department of Oral Surgery, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland. Since 2006, he has been Founder and Head of the Center of Dental Traumatology Basel, and since 2016, Founder and Head of the Center of Salivary Diagnostics, Hyposalivation and Halitosis Basel.


med. dent. Virginia Ortiz

Switzerland, Basel

Dr. med. dent. Cornelia Filippi

Switzerland, Basel

Cornelia Filippi is a pediatric dentist and head of the prophylaxis department in the Clinic for General Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry at the University Center for Dental Medicine Basel (UZB) as well as an active member of the Center for Saliva Diagnostics, Dry Mouth and Halitosis at the UZB. Dr. Filippi is a member of the expert committee of the Swiss Association for Pediatric Dentistry (SVK), president of the "Gesundes Znüni" foundation, the non-profit association "ZaZa.Care," and author of various specialist articles.


Dr. med. dent. Fabio Saccardin

Switzerland, Basel

Dr. Fabio Saccardin is a specialist in Oral Surgery. Since 2014, he has been working at the Department of Oral Surgery, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel UZB, Switzerland. In addition, he is an active member of the Center of Salivary Diagnostics, Hyposalivation and Halitosis Basel, where he conducts his research.

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Cover, Filippi et al: Mundtrockenheit

"Der Ratgeber ist sehr systematisch aufgebaut, so dass man ohne verwirrt zu werden, über die Anatomie 'Wo wird welcher Speichel produziert' über 'was reduziert die Speichelproduktion erheblich' bis zu 'Besonderheiten bei der Mundtrockenheit' hingeführt wird und sehr gut die Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen verstehen kann. Gleich zu Beginn nach dem Vorwort, das auf die alltäglichen Probleme der Mundtrockenheit hinweist, werden alle Fachbegriffe, die rund um das Thema auftauchen können (auch in Arztbriefen), gut erklärt."

– in Magazin der Sklerodermie Selbsthilfe e.V. 02/2024