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Otto Zuhr / Marc Hürzeler

Decision Making at the Crossroads between Periodontology and Implant Dentistry

A Call for Personalized Oral Medicine

Expected publication: May 2025
1st Edition 2025
3 volumes in a hardcover slipcase; 23.5 x 30.5 cm; incl 19 videos with 34 minutes total runtime, 1900 pages, 4900 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics
Stock No.: 7813
ISBN 978-1-78698-126-4
QP Deutschland

Product in preparation.

Irena Sailer / Vincent Fehmer / Bjarni E. Pjetursson

Fixed Restorations

A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology

1st Edition 2021
Hardcover, 23,5 x 30,5 cm + 5 doublesided inserted cards, 744 pages, 2750 illus
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 7696
ISBN 978-1-78698-027-4
QP Deutschland

Andrew Clark Jenzer / Jonathan Czerepak / Joseph Ivory (Editor)

Introduction to Contemporary Orthognathic Surgery

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21.6 x 27.9 cm, 280 pages, 488 illus
Language: English
Category: Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery
Stock No.: 7784
ISBN 978-1-64724-124-7

Stefan Wolfart

Implant Prosthodontics

A Patient-Oriented Strategy: Planning | Treatment Procedures | Longevity | Esthetics | Function | Dental Technology

1st Edition 2016
Hardcover, 24 x 30,4 cm, 728 pages, 2163 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology
Stock No.: 7419
ISBN 978-1-85097-282-2
QP Deutschland

Roberto Rossi (Editor)

Building Better Bone

A Comprehensive Guide to GBR techniques

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21.4 x 29 cm; incl 14 Videos, 408 pages, 1360 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery
ISBN 978-88-7492-096-9
QP Italy

Gaetano Paolone / Salvatore Scolavino

Anterior Direct Restorations

Expected publication: May 2024
1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 462 pages, 2450 illus
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Conservative Dentistry, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 7825
ISBN 978-88-7492-055-6
QP Italy

Product in preparation.

Rodrigo Albuquerque / Nelson Silva / Luís Morgan

Prefabricated Posts

From Conventional to Digital

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 23 x 31 cm, 280 pages, 1023 illus
Language: English
Categories: General Dentistry, Endodontics
Stock No.: 7810
ISBN 978-1-78698-144-8
QP Deutschland

Michael Radu

Practical Applications in Dental Occlusion

Analog to Digital

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 17.2 x 24.1 cm, 200 pages, 210 illus
Language: English
Categories: General Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Functional Therapy
Stock No.: 7786
ISBN 978-1-64724-126-1

Shahram Ghanaati

Venipuncture for the Application of Blood Concentrates

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 17.2 x 24.1 cm, 64 pages, 88 illus
Language: English
Category: General Dentistry
Stock No.: 7804
ISBN 978-1-64724-194-0

Stephan Beuer / Martin Stangl / Edward P. Allen

Basic Dental Suturing

A Practical Handbook

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 21 x 24 cm; incl 8 Videos, 80 pages, 244 illus
Language: English
Categories: General Dentistry, Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 7771
ISBN 978-1-78698-123-3
QP Deutschland

Victor Clavijo

Anterior Ceramic Restorations

Details That Make the Difference

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 23 x 31 cm, 464 pages, 2476 illus
Language: English
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry
Stock No.: 7782
ISBN 978-1-78698-135-6
QP Deutschland

Jean-François Lasserre


Art and Nature in Ceramic Restorations

1st Edition 2024
Two-volume book with slipcase; Hardcover; 23 x 30 cm, 792 pages, 2266 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Functional Therapy
Stock No.: 7778
ISBN 978-1-78698-137-0
QP Deutschland

Alberto Monje / Hom-Lay Wang (Editor)

Unfolding Peri-Implantitis

Diagnosis | Prevention | Management

2nd Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 836 pages, 1800 illus
Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Periodontics
Stock No.: 7735
ISBN 978-1-78698-147-9
QP Deutschland

Eli Eliav (Editor)

Quintessence International Volume 1

Editorial board's selected articles

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 216 pages, 100 illus
Language: English
Category: General Dentistry
ISBN 978-1-78698-143-1
QP Deutschland

Brooke Blicher / Rebekah Lucier Pryles / Jarshen Lin / Alice Li

Clinical Endodontics

1st Edition 2024
Hardcover with spiral binding; 21.6 x 27.9 cm, 244 pages, 410 illus
Language: English
Category: Endodontics
Stock No.: 7801
ISBN 978-1-64724-175-9

Vincent Fehmer (Editor)

Quintessence of Dental Technology 2024

Series: QDT Yearbook, Volume 46
1st Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21.6 x 27.9 cm, 260 pages, 730 illus
Language: English
Categories: Dental Technology, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 7799
ISBN 978-1-64724-189-6



Journal of Aligner Orthodontics

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Category: Orthodontics
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Werner Schupp
QP Deutschland

International Poster Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Categories: Interdisciplinary, General Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Walter MD DDS PhD
QP Deutschland

International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (EN)

(English Edition)

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Impact factor: 0.9 (2023)
Category: Esthetic Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Martina Stefanini PhD, ZTM Vincent Fehmer BDT, MDT, Dr. Alfonso L. Gil DDS, PhD
QP Deutschland

International Journal of Oral Implantology

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Impact factor: 3.1 (2023)
Category: Implantology
Editor-in-chief: Dr. Craig M. Misch DDS, MDS
QP Deutschland

Journal of Craniomandibular Function

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English, German
Category: Functional Therapy
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Alfons Hugger
QP Deutschland

The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry

Gold Open Access

Issue cycle: Irregular
Language: English
Impact factor: 2.5 (2023)
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Interdisciplinary
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Roland Frankenberger, Prof. Dr. Bart Van Meerbeek
QP Deutschland

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants

Issue cycle: Bimonthly
Language: English
Impact factor: 1.7 (2023)
Category: Implantology
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Clark Stanford DDS, PhD, MHA

The International Journal of Prosthodontics

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Clinical Practice

Issue cycle: Bimonthly
Language: English
Impact factor: 2.1 (2023)
Category: Prosthodontics
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry

Issue cycle: Bimonthly
Language: English
Impact factor: 1.3 (2023)
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Periodontics
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Avila-Ortiz DDS, MS, PhD, Dr. Oscar Gonzalez-Martin DDS, PhD, MSc

International Journal of Computerized Dentistry

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Impact factor: 1,8 (2023)
Categories: Interdisciplinary, General Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Florian Beuer MME
QP Deutschland

Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry

Gold Open Access

Issue cycle: Irregular
Language: English
Impact factor: 1.4 (2024)
Categories: Human Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Science and Research, General Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean MSc, Prof. Dr. Avijit Banerjee
QP Deutschland

Quintessence International

Issue cycle: Monthly
Language: English
Impact factor: 1.3 (2023)
Categories: Interdisciplinary, General Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. Eli Eliav DMD, MSc, PhD
QP Deutschland

Chinese Journal of Dental Research

Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: English
Categories: Science and Research, General Dentistry
Editor-in-chief: Guang Yan Yu
QP Deutschland





Quintessence Practice Live on DVD

1st Edition 2009
DVD-Video Compendium (5 DVD-ROM box); NTSC/PAL; Runtime: 506 min
Language: English
Categories: Endodontics, Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics
Stock No.: 7081
ISBN 978-3-87652-722-2
QP Deutschland

Tord Berglundh / Søren Jepsen / Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Peri-implantitis and its Prevention

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 6
1st Edition 2019
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in hardcover; PAL/NTSC; 15 min
Language: English
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 7621
ISBN 978-1-78698-021-2
QP Deutschland

Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Inflammatory Reactions

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 2
2nd Edition 2013
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in a hardcover; NTSC/PAL
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Periodontics
Stock No.: 7236
ISBN 978-1-85097-243-3
QP Deutschland

Giorgio Tabanella

Decision making for retreatment of failures in dental medicine

1st Edition 2018
DVD Compendium; NTSC/PAL; Run time: 126 min
Language: English, German, Italian
Category: Oral Surgery
Stock No.: 7529
ISBN 978-1-78698-006-9
QP Deutschland

Robert Sader / Michael Kann / Diether Reusch


Professional Tooth Whitening with Light

1st Edition 2019
Mediabook; Laufzeit | runtime: 21 min
Language: German, English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prophylaxis
Stock No.: 7625
ISBN 978-3-86867-415-6
QP Deutschland

Søren Jepsen / Mariano Sanz / Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Oral Health and General Health

The Links Between Periodontitis, Atherosclerosis, and Diabetes

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 4
1st Edition 2016
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in a hardcover; NTSC/PAL, 40 pages, 55 illus
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Interdisciplinary, Periodontics, General Dentistry
Stock No.: 7470
ISBN 978-1-85097-288-4
QP Deutschland

Daniel Buser / Dieter Weingart / Hideaki Katsuyama

Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures

English Edition

Series: ITI Treatment Guide Series
1st Edition 2012
NTSC/PAL; Running Time: 54 minutes
Language: English
Category: Implantology
Stock No.: 7202
ISBN 978-1-85097-224-2
QP Deutschland

Bernd Stadlinger / Hendrik Terheyden

Cell-to-Cell Communication: Periodontal Regeneration

Series: Cell-to-Cell Communication, Volume 3
1st Edition 2015
2 DVDs and a detailed booklet in a hardcover; NTSC/PAL
Language: English
Categories: Human Medicine, Periodontics
Stock No.: 7392
ISBN 978-1-85097-280-8
QP Deutschland