Early interception of anterior crossbite has functional, structural and aesthetic benefits that have been widely enumerated in the literature. The goal of early interception usually involves proclination of the maxillary incisors, thus eliminating mandibular anterior shift; maxillary disjunction and protraction to correct transverse and sagittal deficiencies, respectively; and maintenance or improvement of mandibular compensation, thus creating as much horizontal overlap as possible. The present study illustrates a case treated for 24 months with a modified Catalan appliance incorporated into in-office aligners. The treatment results highlighted the efficacy of hybrid mechanics for mandibular compensation and protraction of the maxillary dentition. The 5-year follow-up demonstrated relative stability of the final outcome.
Parole chiave: anterior crossbite, Class III treatment, clear aligners, extraoral traction appliance, growing patient, in-office aligners, interceptive orthodontics, maxillary arch expansion, removable orthodontic appliances