Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the number, strength, and position of occlusal contacts shown using an intraoral scanner (IOS) and a digital occlusal analysis system (T-Scan) compared with the current gold standard using occlusal foil (OF).
Materials and methods: Occlusal contacts were analyzed for 75 volunteers using OF in maximum intercuspation (MI). The contact points obtained using the IOS were evaluated using a screenshot from Zirkonzahn.Modellier CAD software. Finally, the volunteers were asked to bite on the sensor sheet of the T-Scan system. For the evaluation of these data, the contact points of the OF and the IOS were graded as light, medium, and strong. Furthermore, the positions of the contact points were analyzed for the anterior region (premolars and molars). Parametric statistical tests were applied to analyze the differences among the three methods.
Results: The mean number of all contact points was similar: 29 ± 8 with the OF, 30 ± 12 with the IOS, and 24 ± 10 with the T-Scan. However, results were different in terms of the grading of the strength of contact points: mean number of light contacts: 8 ± 4 OF vs 17 ± 8 IOS and 17 ± 6 T-Scan; medium contacts: 12 ± 5 OF vs 8 ± 4 IOS and 5 ± 4 T-Scan; and strong contacts: 9 ± 5 OF vs 6 ± 6 IOS and 4 ± 2 T-Scan. The positions of the occlusal contact points were also different.
Conclusion: The data sets showed that there were differences in the distribution of occlusal contact points evaluated using the OF, the IOS, and the T-Scan system. Although the number of detected occlusal contacts was similar, different occlusal contact protocols were determined by the three different methods.(Original article published in Int J Comput Dent 2020;23:
Parole chiave: occlusal contacts, intraoral scanner, T-Scan, occlusal foil, contact strength