Background: Treatment of the edentulous maxilla with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four immediately loaded implants has been discussed as a treatment option, although generally five implants are recommended for that indication. The precise transfer of the virtually planned position by 3D-guided implant placement is an essential prerequisite for delivering the prefabricated temporary restoration at the time of surgery. Three-point support on the teeth or implants ensures that the template for the guided surgery is soundly seated during the operation.
Case presentation: In the described case, the three-point support was carried out by teeth and temporary implants in the molar region inserted prior to the CBCT. The virtual implant planning determined the best prosthetic implant position while using the available bone to avoid extensive augmentation. Following this, a metal-reinforced provisional restoration was prepared using a drilling template. Four implants were placed in the planned position with the aid of a tooth-/implant-supported guide. The prosthetic axis of the angulated distal implants is balanced by 17-degree angled abutments. After transferring the implant position to the dental laboratory, the prepared restoration was finalized. The remaining teeth were extracted and the temporary restoration was delivered 3 h after implant placement. The definitive fixed full-arch zirconia restoration with micro layering was placed 9 months later in a stable situation.
Conclusion: The remarkable accuracy of the implant placement with a surgical template generated from preoperative virtual implant planning ensures a relatively short treatment time and an uneventful and fast recovery with minimal discomfort. The immediate prosthodontic rehabilitation is a benefit, not only for the patient but also for the dental team. Micro-layered monolithic zirconia seems to be a promising option for screw-retained full-arch prostheses.
Parole chiave: guided implant surgery, edentulous jaw, backward planning, immediate function, digital workflow