Objective: To evaluate the association of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Capnocytophaga species in dental plaque, cord blood, pericrevicular vaginal samples, and adverse pregnancy outcomes in gestational diabetic mellitus (GDM) women with and without periodontitis stage II.
Method and materials: In this prospective cohort study, 415 pregnant women were screened and 60 primigravidae with diagnosis of GDM were recruited. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was recorded at weeks 24, 28, and 32, and at parturition. Subgingival plaque sample, cord blood, and pericrevicular vaginal swab were taken immediately postpartum from both the groups. Identification of F nucelatum and Capnocytophaga species was done using polymerase chain reaction. Adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and macrosomia were prospectively checked in all the recruited individuals.
Results: Incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes was significantly higher in the GDM with periodontitis group (48%) than the nonperiodontitis GDM group (14%) with P < .07. There was a moderate positive correlation (r = 0.429) between Gingival Index and HbA1c and microorganisms in the three samples at parturition. Macrosomia was seen in equal percentages in both groups.
Conclusion: Concomitant existence of F nucleatum and Capnocytophaga species in all three samples was shown to be associated with increased incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in the GDM with periodontitis group. Of the adverse outcomes, preterm birth and low birth weight were more closely related to the periodontitis group than macrosomia.
Parole chiave: Capnocytophaga, Fusobacterium, gestational diabetes, low birth weight, periodontitis, preterm birth