Introduction: Oral lichen planus is a chronic autoimmune, mucocutaneous disease affecting oral mucosa. Chronic periodontitis is microbe-associated chronic inflammation of the supporting tissues of teeth. There is an increase in systemic pro-inflammatory cytokines specifically TNF-ᵅ in both diseases.
Dental plaque, which is a primary causative factor for periodontitis, may exacerbate the OLP lesions. Also, gingival lesions in oral lichen planus may indirectly increase the risk of plaque-induced periodontitis when symptoms associated with such lesions impede the maintenance of proper oral hygiene and may enhance the risk of periodontal tissue destruction.
Objectives: To compare and evaluate the clinical findings and patient-related factors of various OLP types in patients with and without periodontitis.
Methodology: This study compared 4 groups, i.e: Group 1= Reticular without periodontitis; Group- 2=Reticular with periodontitis; Group-3= Erosive without periodontitis; Group-4=Erosive with periodontitis. Periodontitis criteria was as given by Tonetti et al, and OLP scoring criteria was as given by Escudier et al.
Results: Within the limits of this study, group 2 presented with more number of cases with higher score in terms of burning sensation (p=.036), site, and severity (p=.003) compared to group 1. Group 4 had more cases with a higher score in terms of burning sensation (p=.019), pain (p=.007), site, and severity compared to group 3.
Conclusion: Reticular and erosive OLP exhibit higher severity scores and more symptoms in patients with periodontitis as compared to the ones without periodontitis.
Parole chiave: Oral lichen planus (OLP), cytokines, inflammation, periodontitis