Dental agenesis is the most common developmental aberration in humans, and it is typically linked with a variety of other oral anomalies. Although tooth agenesis is not a serious public health problem, it can cause speech, masticatory, aesthetic, and functional problems. A 6-year-old male patient reported with complaint of non-eruption of teeth and difficulty in mastication. History revealed patient had multiple congenital missing teeth without any significant medical and dental history. After radiographic investigation, a diagnosis of oligodontia was made. After considering the young age and growth of the patient, a conservative approach of rehabilitation of non-syndromic oligodontia patient with maxillary overlay denture and mandibular conventional complete denture was planned and fabrication was carried out. A satisfactory clinical outcome was achieved. The aim and objective of this scientific poster is to report a conservative management in a patient with non-syndromic oligodontia.
Parole chiave: Anodontia, congenital missing teeth (CMT), hypodontia, non-syndromic oligodontia, overlay denture