There are multiple designs of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) expanders currently available for the correction of transverse discrepancies. Many of these expanders can be used with or without surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE). One of the most critical aspects of the design of these devices is that they achieve a sufficient and symmetric amount of expansion. The present study demonstrates the use of a Power Expander, a customised boneborne expander manufactured with 3D technology, which allows an effective force application on the maxilla and the nasomaxillary structures. This article details the fabrication and usage of this novel expander to correct a severe Class III malocclusion with maxillary transverse deficiency (MTD) and facial asymmetry, with a clinical example in the form of two case reports.
Parole chiave: palatinal expansion, Class III, bone-borne anchorage, SARPE