Aim: The CAM of esthetically pleasing monolithic dental restorations presents with specific challenges. One vital parameter to consider is the translucency of the materials. Previous studies have proven a correlation between translucency and material thickness for various all-ceramic materials. The aim of the present study was to assess and define the relationship between thickness and translucency in modern resin-based restorative materials.
Materials and methods: Specimens fabricated from two resin nano-ceramics (Cerasmart, Lava Ultimate), a polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (Vita Enamic), and a polymethyl methacrylate (Telio CAD) were examined, representing these different material classes. For each material, 12 specimens (n = 12) were fabricated in five thicknesses (0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, and 1.6 mm; N = 240). The translucency was measured with a spectrophotometer. The total light transmittance for each specimen was calculated applying specialized software. Regression curves were fitted to the results and their coefficient of determination (R2) fit was determined.
Results: Logarithmic regression curves showed the best R2 approximation (Cerasmart: R2 = 0.994; Vita Enamic: R2 = 0.978; Lava Ultimate: R2 = 0.997; Telio CAD: R2 = 0.997) to the light transmission values.
Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate that the translucency of resin-based materials can be calculated using a mathematic approach to estimate their optical behavior. Cerasmart, Lava Ultimate, Vita Enamic, and Telio CAD exhibit a logarithmic relationship between material thickness and translucency. By determining material-specific coefficients for this logarithmic function, the resulting translucency can be computed for any given material thickness.
Parole chiave: hybrid materials, PMMA, polymer-infiltrated ceramic network, resin nano-ceramics, translucency, translucency equation, mathematic analysis, CAD/CAM, digital workflow