Purpose: To determine the biologic and biomechanical effects of two implant drilling protocols on the cortical bone around implants subjected to immediate loading.
Materials and Methods: A total of 48 implants were inserted into the mandibles of six sheep following one of two drilling protocols: undersized preparation (US; n = 24) and nonundersized preparation (NUS; n = 24). Immediately after implant insertion, an abutment was placed on each implant and 36 implants were subjected to 10 sessions of dynamic vertical loads (1,500 cycles, 1 Hz) of 25 N or 50 N. Insertion torque value (ITV) was recorded at implant installation. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) was measured at implant insertion and at each loading session. Fluorochrome was administered at day 17, and the animals were euthanized after 5 weeks. The removal torque values (RTVs) were measured, and samples underwent histomorphometric, μCT (microcomputed tomography), and fluorescence image acquisition analyses. The bone volume density (BV/TV), bone-to-implant contact (BIC), bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO), and fluorochrome stained bone surface (MS) were calculated. A linear mixed model analysis was performed, and Pearson paired correlation was calculated.
Results: Five implants from the NUS group failed, with a mean ITV of 8.8 Ncm and an RFA value of 57. The mean ITVs for US group and NUS group were 80.5 (± 14) Ncm and 45.9 (± 25) Ncm, respectively (P < .001). No differences were noted in the RFA values from the time of implant insertion until the end of the study. No differences in RTV, BV/TV, BAFO, or MS were observed between the groups. Intense new bone formation took place in the NUS group implants that were subjected to load.
Conclusions: Undersized preparation of cortical bone ensured a greater BIC compared to a nonundersized preparation. Moreover, this study demonstrated that immediate loading did not interfere with the osseointegration process, but loading induced intense new bone formation in the NUS group. It is not recommended to immediately load the implants when the clinically perceived primary stability is lower than an ITV of 10 Ncm and an RFA value of 60.
Parole chiave: biomechanics, drilling preparation, histomorphometric, immediate loading, primary stability, surgical procedure