Aim: To assess the agreement rates of dental records derived from intraoral scan-based digital three-dimensional models (3DM) and 3DM + panoramic radiographs (3DM+PAN-X) compared to clinical findings.
Materials and Methods: Based on the 3DM/3DM+PAN-X of 50 patients undergoing supportive periodontal therapy (SPT), ten remote raters (inexperienced in using IOS or 3DM) assessed for each site of the dental scheme (32 sites) whether a tooth was missing (M), filled (F), restoration- and caries-free (H), replaced by an implant (I) or decayed (D). Remote records were compared to the clinical reference record of each patient at tooth-level. The clinical records were assessed by an experienced dentist who supplemented the clinical findings with information from available radiographs and the patient records to define the clinical reference record.
Results: The agreement-rates for 3DM/3DM+PAN-X at tooth-level are: M: 93%/94%, F: 84%/88%, H: 92%/92%, I: 65%/96%, D: 29%/29%. The overall agreement-rate is 88% for the 3DM-based dental records (14093 of 16000 entries true) and 91% for 3DM+PAN-X (14499 of 16000 entries true). Using 3DM for dental record assessment, posterior teeth had higher odds of correct findings compared to anterior teeth (upper jaw OR=2.34, lower jaw OR=1.27).
Conclusions: The remote detection of healthy, missing and filled teeth and implants by raters inexperienced in using IOS or 3DM shows a high agreement-rate with the clinical findings. The additional evaluation of PAN-X increased the agreement-rate significantly for implants. Thus, the remote assessment of dental records using 3DM+PAN-X has a high accuracy when applied in SPT-patients with low caries activity.
Parole chiave: dental record remote assessment, digital dentistry, digital imaging, full-arch impression, intraoral scanners, supportive periodontal therapy