Purpose: To investigate the influence of a single infrapositioned ankylosed tooth or implant-supported restoration on smile esthetics. Materials and Methods: A series of 48 digitally modified images that simulated varying degrees of infraposition (from 0.25 to 2.0 mm, with a step of 0.25 mm) were created for each maxillary anterior tooth by altering the full-portrait image of a smiling man, adjusted to show medium and high smile lines. For the model with the high smile line, a series of 24 digitally modified images were created that simulated the infraposition of a single anterior tooth with a restored incisal edge. Smile esthetics for each of the images were evaluated by 160 participants (80 dentists and 80 laypersons), and a visual analog scale (VAS) was implemented. Results: For the images with the high smile line, an infraposition of ≥ 0.25 mm in the central incisor region and ≥ 0.5 mm in the region of the lateral incisor or the canine had a negative effect on the perceived smile esthetics for both the dentists and the laypersons. Regarding the medium smile line, an infraposition of ≥ 0.5 mm in the central and lateral incisor region had a negative effect on the perceived smile esthetics for both groups of observers. In the canine area, an infraposition of ≥ 0.5 mm for the dentists and ≥ 0.75 mm for the laypersons also had a negative impact on the smile esthetics. Conclusions: Even a minor infraposition of a single maxillary anterior ankylosed tooth or implant-supported restoration can reduce the perceived attractiveness of the smile. Infraposition in the canine site can be better tolerated in a medium smile line compared to a high smile line. In patients with a high smile line, prosthetic intervention is needed to restore the incisal edge of an infrapositioned tooth without harmonizing the gingival contour; this can be beneficial for the lateral incisor but ineffective for the central incisor and unfavorable for the canine.
Parole chiave: ankylosed tooth, craniofacial growth, implant submersion, infraocclusion, smile esthetics