Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the color stability of laminate veneer restorations restored with CAD/CAM material applied to bleached teeth.
Material and methods: In this study, 80 upper central teeth extracted because of periodontal, orthodontic or trauma problems were used. The teeth were embedded in acrylic blocks and divided into 8 groups (n=10). Groups A, B, C and D were bleached with vital bleaching agent before preparation, and teeth were prepared for laminate veneer restorations. Groups E, F, G and H were prepared without bleaching. Groups A and E were restored with A1 GC LiSi İnitial HT blocks, Groups B and F were restored with A1 GC LiSi İnitial LT blocks, Groups C and G were restored with A1 IPS Emax CAD HT blocks, Groups D and H were restored with A1 IPS Emax CAD LT blocks. All restorations were adhesively cemented and aged for 2 and 5 years with thermal cycle. Color measurements of the restorations at the beginning, after 2 and 5 years of aging were measured with a spectrophotometer.
Results:All bleached groups had more color changes than the unbleached groups. The least color change after 2 years of aging was observed in GC LiSi Initial LT (ΔE00=0.81) and IPS Emax CAD LT (ΔE00=0.81) materials which were used on unbleached teeth and the most color change was observed in GC Initial LiSi HT (ΔE00=0.93) and IPS Emax CAD HT material (ΔE00=0.92) which were used on bleached teeth. After 5 years of aging, the least color change was observed in IPS Emax CAD LT (ΔE00=0.83) and GC LiSi Initial LT material (ΔE00=0.84) which were used on unbleached and the highest color change was observed in GC Initial LiSi HT (ΔE00=0.96) and IPS Emax CAD HT material (ΔE00=0.94) which were used on bleached teeth.
Conclusion: Bleaching and translucency affect the color stability. No difference was detected between the color changes of GC LiSi Initial and IPS Emax CAD materials. The increase in aging time increased the color changes of all materials. Clinical Significance: Bleaching and laminate veneer restorations may be preferred in many patients. For this reason, the long-term color change of laminate veneer restorations applied to bleached teeth is clinically very important. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of tooth bleaching on the long-term color change of laminate veneer restorations produced with different translucent CAD/CAM materials.
Parole chiave: Bleaching, CAD/CAM, Color, Laminate veneer, Spectrophotometer