Purpose: To investigate the microbiological outcomes obtained with either subgingival debridement (SD) in conjunction with a gel containing sodium hypochlorite and amino acids followed by subsequent application of a cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel (xHyA) gel, or with SD alone.
Materials and Methods: Forty-eight patients diagnosed with stages II-III (grades A/B) generalised periodontitis were randomly treated with either SD (control) or SD plus adjunctive sodium hypochlorite/amino acids and xHyA gel (test). Subgingival plaque samples were collected from the deepest site per quadrant in each patient at baseline and after 3 and 6 months. Pooled sample analysis was performed using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method for the identification of detection frequencies and changes in numbers of the following bacteria: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (A.a), Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g), Tannerella forsythia (T.f), Treponema denticola (T.d), and Prevotella intermedia (P.i).
Results: In terms of detection frequency, in the test group, statistically significant reductions were found for P.g, T.f, T.d and P.i (p < 0.05) after 6 months. In the control group, the detection frequencies of all investigated bacterial species at 6 months were comparable to the baseline values (p > 0.05). The comparison of the test and control groups revealed statistically significant differences in detection frequency for P.g (p = 0.034), T.d (p < 0.01) and P.i (p = 0.02) after 6 months, favouring the test group. Regarding reduction in detection frequency scores, at 6 months, statistically significant differences in favour of the test group were observed for all investigated bacterial species: A.a (p = 0.028), P.g (p = 0.028), T.f (p = 0.004), T.d (p <0.001), and P.i (p = 0.003).
Conclusions: The present microbiological results, which are related to short-term outcomes up to 6 months post-treatment, support the adjunctive subgingival application of sodium hypochlorite/amino acids and xHyA to subgingival debridement in the treatment of periodontitis.
Parole chiave: cross-linked hyaluronic acid, microbiology, non-surgical periodontal therapy, periodontitis, periopathogenic bacteria, sodium hypochlorite/amino acids