Purpose: Compare Neodent Zi® zirconia implants' insertion torque (IT) and removal torque (RT) with
Neodent Alvim® titanium. Measure the maximum torque supported by the zirconia implant until its
fracture (MT) and the maximum torque sustained by the assembler of this implant (MTA) until its
fracture. Material and Methods: In this in-vitro study twenty four implants were used. Two groups of
implants with the same macrogeometry and from the same manufacturer were compared, Zirconia
(n=12) and Titanium (n=12). Implant bed preparations were completed in bovine ribs following a
standardized drilling protocol. Then, the insertion torque (IT), removal torque (RT), maximum torque
to fracture (MT) and maximum torque to fracture of the assembler (MTA) were completed using a
calibrated torque meter. Data was presented using descriptive statistics including means, standard
deviations (SD), medians, and quartiles. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify data normality and
the Wilcoxon test was used to evaluate differences between groups. Statistical significance was
established as p < 0.05. Results: Zirconia implants showed: IT 89.33 ± 31.18 Ncm and RT 84.89 ±
32.92 Ncm. Titanium implants showed: IT 77.58 ± 28.96 Ncm and RT 76.75 ± 31.29 Ncm without
significant differences (p>0.05). In relation to fracture under rotational force, the zirconia implants
fractured at 106.17 ± 22.54 Ncm, and the implant assembly fractured at 84.00 ±13.14 Ncm.
Conclusion: Neodent Zi® implants showed stability but lower fracture torque than Alvim® titanium.
As the fracture values of the assembler were significantly lower than the fracture values of the zirconia
implants, it can be stated that, as recommended by the manufacturer, they act as a safety measure
during installation.
Parole chiave: Biomechanical phenomena, fracture strength, Y-TZP ceramic.