Aim: To report on a novel digital superimposition workflow that enables measuring the supra-crestal peri-implant soft tissue dimensions all along implant treatment and afterwards.
Materials and Methods: A preoperative CBCT and intra-oral scans (IOS) are successively taken before surgery, at the end of the healing period, at prosthesis delivery, and over time; they are digitally superposed on a dedicated software. Then, the stereolithography files (STL) of the healing abutment, of the prosthetic abutment and the crown are successively merged into the superposition set of IOSs.
Result: The workflow protocol of merging successively the STL of each item into the superposition set of IOSs enables capturing the dimensions of the height and width of the supra-crestal soft tissues, at every level of the healing abutment, the prosthetic abutment and the crown. In addition, it allows measuring the vertical distance that the crown exerts pressure on the gingiva and the thickness of the papillae at every level of the abutment.
Conclusion: This novel digital superimposition workflow provides a straightforward method of measuring the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the supra-crestal peri-implant soft tissues, including the papillae, at each stage of the implant treatment process. It allows investigating a certain number of soft tissue variables that were previously inaccessible to clinical research. It should help enhancing our comprehension of the peri-implant soft tissue dynamics.
Parole chiave: CBCT, clinical research, digital merging, gingival height, gingival width, intra-oral scan, papilla, peri-implant soft tissues