The purpose of this technical report is to describe a modified tunnel surgical approach and connective tissue graft (CTG) stabilization technique for the treatment of gingival recessions with interproximal clinical attachment loss (ICAL). The partial-full-thickness (PFT) tunnel technique utilizes multiple vestibular incisions to facilitate creation of a split-mucoperiosteal tunnel that enhances tissue passivity and allows for coronal advancement of soft tissue with minimal tension. The supra-crestal sling (SCS) suture engages only the CTG, independent of the overlying tissue and stabilizes the CTG around the buccal and proximal root surfaces. The treatment approach of PFT tunnel preparation and CTG stabilization with the SCS suture was designed to optimize blood supply and maximize wound stability, resulting in complete root coverage with satisfactory clinical outcomes in RT2 and RT3 gingival recession. It is suggested that the PFT tunnel preparation with graft stabilization via the SCS suture has the potential to treat recessions with anatomical limitations associated with ICAL.
Parole chiave: Connective Tissue Graft, Periodontal Surgery, Root Coverage, Papilla