Impairment or loss of interdental papilla is a common issue in patients with periodontal disease, leading to phonetic, functional, and aesthetic concerns. Numerous techniques have been explored to reconstruct and regenerate interdental papillae, but consistent success remains challenging. This article presents a novel surgical approach that applies the principles of the Connective Tissue Graft (CTG) wall technique to enhance papilla volume when interdental clinical attachment loss is present in the aesthetic zone. The case of a 35-year-old woman with an RT3 recession defect associated with loss of interdental hard and soft tissues is discussed. The patient underwent a procedure involving palatal incisions, application of amelogenins, and a trapezoidal shape CTG fixed at the base of the papilla under a coronally advanced flap. This approach aimed to stabilize the blood clot and prevent soft tissue collapse into the defect area, enhancing the position and volume of the interdental papilla. Results at 6- and 12-months follow-up indicated significant improvement in papilla appearance and complete root coverage. This case suggests that the modified CTG wall technique can effectively treat buccal and interdental gingival recessions associated with horizontal or infrabony defects. Further clinical trials are necessary to confirm these findings and establish the most effective approach for interdental papilla reconstruction.
Parole chiave: interdental papilla, connetive tissue graft, periodontal therapy, amelogenins, connective tissue graft-wall technique, papilla reconstruction