Purpose: To address the challenges of obtaining accurate digital impressions for the fabrication of fixed restorations on multiple implants in full-arch edentulous cases. Materials and Methods: An approach to the use of extended design scan bodies (EDSBs) and advanced digital technologies in full-arch implant rehabilitation is presented. Clinical and laboratory treatment sequences are illustrated, focusing on intraoral scanning, restorative materials, and digital fabrication techniques. Results: EDSBs provide accurate digital impression results, maintaining precision over longer distances and proving effective for both fixed and removable implant restorations. Conclusions: Using EDSBs with L-shaped and T-shaped extensions creates a stable reference framework during scanning, overcoming the lack of reliable landmarks on edentulous mucosa and enhancing digital impression accuracy and clinical outcomes.
Parole chiave: Complete-arch, edentulous, implant restorations, intraoral scanning, scan bodies, scan flag.