Lingua: IngleseBarkhordar, Rahmat A. / Goodis, Harold E. / Watanabe, Larry / Koumdjian, Jack.The heat generated at the apical 2 mm of the outer root surface of extracted human canine teeth during three obturation procedures was measured. The rise in temperature was found to be less when a sealer was used in all obturation techniques. Temperatures as high as 44.02 °C were recorded with warm gutta-percha with no sealer, and the lowest temperature rise occurred with a thermoplasticized gutta-percha technique with sealer. The thickness of the remaining dentin and cementum after cleaning and shaping were found to have no effect in reducing temperature rise. The results of this investigation indicated that temperature rise on the outer surface of the root as a result of heat-generating obturation procedures is negligible and will not have an effect on the supporting attachment apparatus.