Pagine 769-778, Lingua: Inglesevan der ZelExperience has shown that a cast restoration will rarely hav proper occlusal contacts. One possible solution could involve the application of a computerized design and fabrication system for restorations with accurately calculated and computer-milled occlusal surfaces. The Cicero system for the production of ceramic-fused-to-metal restorations makes use of optical scanning, nearly net-shaped metal and ceramic sintering, and computer-aided crown fabrication techniques to fabricate restorations with maximal statis and dynamic occlusal contact relations. The Cicero system produces crowns, fixed partial dentures, and inlays with different layers, such as metal and dentin and incisal porcelains, for maximal strength and esthetics. Fabrication of a crown for a mandibular first molar is described to demonstrate the computer-based design system.