DOI: 10.11607/jomi.6727, PubMed ID (PMID): 30427954Pagine 1240-1246, Lingua: IngleseYeung, Andy Wai Kan / Leung, W. KeungPurpose: This bibliometric study analyzed English language dental implant literature from 2007 to 2016 to evaluate and identify the terms, authors, and journals concerning dental implant articles with high citation count and the structure of their bibliometric networks.
Materials and Methods: The Web of Science database was searched to identify articles on the topic of dental implants published under the Web of Science category of Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine from 2007 to 2016. The articles were first assessed using descriptive analysis concerning the authors, organizations, countries/territories, and journals. Afterward, VOSviewer was used to visualize the term map, author network, and journal network consisting of the most highly cited entities. CiteSpace II was used with default settings to identify keywords that experienced a large increase in citations received within the surveyed period of time.
Results: The citation analyses were based on 12,114 dental implant articles published during the survey period. The top five highly cited terms with > 500 publication counts were peri-implantitis (a mean of 20.17 citations per surveyed article [CPA]), survival rate (19.02 CPA), survival (18.74 CPA), implant failure (16.58 CPA), and success rate (16.53 CPA). The top five authors with highest average citations authored 80 papers (80/12,114 = 0.7%) that received 5,962 citations (5,962/151,404 = 3.9%) among the highly cited authors' network. Clinical Oral Implants Research had the largest total number of citation links (19,283), and hence, was in the center of the journal network, with a mean of 21.47 citations per surveyed article.
Conclusion: The terms with high impact were related to implant success, survival, failure, and peri-implantitis. Clinical Oral Implants Research and The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants were in the center of the journal citation network.
Parole chiave: bibliometrics, dental implants, journal impact factor, library science, literature, publications