Pagine 476-482, Lingua: IngleseFokkinga, Wietske A.Purpose: This study sought to aggregate literature data on in vitro failure loads and failure modes of prefabricated fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post systems and to compare them to those of prefabricated metal, custom-cast, and ceramic post systems.
Materials and Methods: The literature was searched using MEDLINE from 1984 to 2003 for dental articles in English. Keywords used were (post or core or buildup or dowel) and (teeth or tooth). Additional inclusion/exclusion steps were conducted, each step by two independent readers: (1)Abstracts describing postand- core techniques to reconstruct endodontically treated teeth and their mechanical and physical characteristics were included (descriptive studies or reviews were excluded); (2)articles that included FRC post systems were selected; (3)in vitro studies, single-rooted human teeth, prefabricated FRC posts, and composite as the core material were the selection criteria; and (4)failure loads and modes were extracted from the selected papers, and failure modes were dichotomized (distinction was made between "favorable failures," defined as reparable failures, and "unfavorable failures," defined as irreparable [root] fractures).
Results: The literature search revealed 1,984 abstracts. Included were 244, 42, and 12 articles in the first, second, and third selection steps, respectively. Custom-cast post systems showed higher failure loads than prefabricated FRC post systems, whereas ceramic showed lower failure loads. Significantly more favorable failures occurred with prefabricated FRC post systems than with prefabricated and custom-cast metal post systems.
Conclusion: The variable "post system" had a significant effect on mean failure loads. FRC post systems more frequently showed favorable failure modes than did metal post systems.