Pagine 239-248, Lingua: InglesePriestClinical success of resin-bonded fixed partial dentures is primarily dependent on their long-term retention. Retention rates of resin-bonded prostheses placed in 66 patients treated by three dentists in private practice were evaluated in the present study. seventy-seven resin-bonded fixed partial denture were followed over a period of 1 year to 11 years. Thirty (39%) became dislodged, but nine were successfully rebonded; thus there were 21 failures (27%). Prosthesis location and operaator expertise minimally influenced the longetivity of these restorations, but the luting agents tested in this sample had a profound impacet on retention. Debonding rates were excessive for some materials tested, whereas other agents proved to by predictable. Modifications in preparation design that enhance resistnce form were also likely contributors to improved retention rates.